Last Updated: January 13, 2020
· martinhaynes

Get your Jekyll site working with pow

Quickly pow is a small tool written by 37 Signals , that allows you to quickly set up Rack based applications and give them a url without any need for apache , nginx , etc or altering you host file.

With a few alterations to your Jekyll site you can get it to work with pow as well. You are going to need to install pow if you haven't done so already full instructions can be found at

now alter your Jekyll apps gemfile and add

gem 'rack-jekyll'

next you will need a file to allow pow to start your jekyll server , create one at the root of your jekyll site and add

require 'rack/jekyll'


and finally cd to .pow directly in your home directory and create symlink for your new Jekyll site

ln -s /path/to/your/jekyllsite 

Now you can open your browser and visit <folder>.dev for example and your done