Popular R Uby Programming Tips
Set scope of I18n translations in Rails with a block
Cristian Andrei
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Creating simple network chat using ruby
Emad Elsaid
1 response
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Ruby, Postgres, Sequel and Time Zones
Robert Sosinski
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Installing RVM, doing it right!
Eduardo Martines
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Destructuring to express intent
Juris Galang
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Ruby Core Extends
thomas petrachi
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MongoMapper null and not null columns query
Marcio Garcia
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Ruby on Rails: test logs output presence within Rails.logger (through Minitest too)
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oEmbed client on Ruby
Alex Sulim
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Using Hstore to Store Post Tags in Rails 3.
Jordon Bedwell
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Use `#zip` and `#map` to join 2 arrays
Łukasz Niemier
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A Better Fibonacci (Revisited)
Jared Davis
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RubyMotion wrapper for MBProgressHud
Alan deLevie
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Retrieving and using Heroku API keys in RubyMotion
Tom Milewski
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`FileUtils.rmdir` Doesn’t `raise` if it Fails
Max Howell
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ruby, api design
Upload zipentries using paperclip
Alexandr Korsak
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ruby, rails, paperclip
Discover flakes by running new tests many times
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rspec, rails, ruby, tdd
Specs and cucumber : 32 or 64bit?
Pierre Ozoux
2 responses
ruby, performance, cucumber, specs
nginx.conf passenger with padrino.rb
Angel Botto
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ruby, nginx, passenger, padrino
Two way pipes to external commands in Ruby
0 responses
ruby, pipe, sub-process, two-way pipe