Popular R Uby Programming Tips
Concerning ActiveSupport::Concern
Ryan Sobol
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ruby, rails
Hack out distributable notes in markdown
Charles Butler
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ruby, markdown, timesaver, github-redcarpet
Don't upgrade to Mountain Lion before a demo
Jeremy Baker
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ruby, osx, rvm, pow
Object-Hash Mapping for Redis
Gustavo Leguizamon
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ruby, redis
RSpec: compare rendered text like HTML or XML in view specs
Mathias Gawlista
2 responses
ruby, tdd, rails, rspec
SimpleDelegator Query Objects and Param Objecs
Boris Barroso
1 response
ruby, rails, delegator, query object
Running a single instance of solr with multiple rails applications
Julio Betta
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ruby, rails, solr, search
Cost effective way of Exception tracking
Rahul Trikha
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ruby, rails, android, error
Use RVM with chruby
Michal Papis
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ruby, rvm, chruby
mtr/traceroute to a url
Frank Louwers
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ruby, zsh, cli, mtr
RSpec Best Practices
Michael Koby
0 responses
ruby, rspec
Prettier Rails console output
0 responses
rails, rvm, rails console output, awesome_print
Simple pattern for i18n spanish genders in rails
0 responses
ruby, rails, i18n, yaml
Gist made easy for mac
Erik Chacon
0 responses
ruby, gem, gist, github
Sometimes, I have JSON arrays that I want to see as CSV
Aaron Spiegel
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ruby, json, csv
Custom link_to in Rails
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ruby, rails, link_to
A capistrano plugin for simplifying EC2 deployment processes
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
2 responses
ruby, gems, ec2, capistrano
Mac OS X, fish, brew, rbenv, pyenv work together
Zhong, Ming-Xun
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ruby, python, fish, mac
Installing old gem version with Ruby 1.8.7
Carlos Suarez Fontalvo
1 response
ruby, gem, install, fpm
activesupport presence
José Gomes Júnior
0 responses
ruby, rails
Run RSpec examples from Vim
Luca Guidi
0 responses
ruby, vim, bdd, rspec
Optimize Ruby Compilation
Ryan Montgomery
3 responses
ruby, optimization, cflags
Testing Chef on Multiple Environments using Vagrant
Emil Soman
0 responses
ruby, vagrant, chef
Run middleman with pow and bundler
Victor Ortiz
2 responses
ruby, bundler, rack, pow
Better errors in your Rails app
Luiz Fonseca
0 responses
ruby, rails, development, errors