Popular R Uby Programming Tips
will_paginate and Ajax
Jeroen Rosenberg
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Fix UTF8 "problem" on Heroku w/ jRuby
Oto Brglez
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Ruby - Instantiate Hash from Array
Andrew Hunter
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Using pow with rvm's new ruby-version and ruby-gemset
Amiel Martin
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Concatenating String in Ruby....
Marcio Garcia
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Recipe: Using VCR for specs
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Adding attributes to an input tag with Savon
Bill Watts
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Ask wikipedia from command line using Ruby
Emad Elsaid
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Count occurrences of uniques in ruby
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Conditional Assignment (null coalescing)
Nick Jacob
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Legacy database, Single table inheritance and Ruby on Rails
Patrick Strang
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Meteor RESTful authentication
Sean Yang
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Installing Rails on OSX Mavericks
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Easily test private and protected methods in Ruby
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Custom glyph fonts with Font Custom and Compass
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Custom Carrierwave Processors with Minimagick
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Highlight your Fortune 500 customers
Lee Reilly
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Threads in Ruby? Use JRuby
David Copeland
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Headless javascript tests in rails
Enrique Vidal
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Git time tracking
Steve Halford
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Setting up MRI 1.9.3 on OSX Lion
Matthew Deiters
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Zsh variables, Ruby - somehow ARGV contains wrong number of elements
Bartłomiej Danek
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[Ruby] define singleton method with default value
Rafael Felix
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Ruby on Rails Interview questions
Rohit Trivedi
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