Popular R Uby Programming Tips
Wildcard CORS in RAILS
1 response
ruby, rails, rack, cors
Learn programing languages by example
Mariz Melo
2 responses
ruby, php, python, sql
Delocalize (or localize) attributes on Rails with I18n::Alchemy
Patrick Müller
0 responses
ruby, i18n, rails, rails4
How to find if a number is a Fibonacci
Amr Tamimi
3 responses
ruby, math, fibonacci
Add paramRoot support for your Rails Backbone app
Johny Ho
0 responses
ruby, rails, js, backbone
Diving into ruby hashes
Elad Meidar
2 responses
ruby, tip, hash, default
Rails4 StrongParameters with Devise and multiple resources
Andrea Pavoni
2 responses
ruby, rails, devise
From MacPorts to Homebrew
Alexander Tamoykin
0 responses
gem, mac, os x, rvm
Diving into Ruby, Sinatra and MongoDB on OpenShift
Juan M. Hidalgo
0 responses
ruby, mongodb, sinatra
Multi step form / wizard responses for Ajax (modals) and HTML requests.
Mathias Gawlista
0 responses
ruby, rails, ajax, javascript
Prepare VM installed multiple versions of ruby by Vagrant and chef
0 responses
ruby, vagrant, chef
Resque on Windows
Brian Krygsman
3 responses
ruby, resque, windows, vegas
Using aws/s3 gem in non-US regions
Greg Roodt
0 responses
ruby, s3, aws
Taking the FactoryGirl out of FactoryGirl.create
Ben Burton
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ruby, cucumber, factorygirl, rspec
Rake + MiniTest/Spec
Ricardo Mendes
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ruby, rake, spec, minitest
Nested Form: Handle AJAX form submissions
Jim Smith
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jquery, ruby, rails, javascript
A basic ruby interview
Bryan Mikaelian
4 responses
ruby, rails, interviews
RubyMotion review (Ruby for iOS)
Matt Aimonetti
0 responses
ruby, objective-c, ios, rubymotion
Make tap{} return anything
Paweł Wilk
1 response
ruby, break, tap, flow control
Bundler aliases
Lee Reilly
0 responses
ruby, bundler, gems
Spine.js Mobile & Trigger.io Forge
Francois Paul
0 responses
ruby, coffeescript, thor, spine.js
Rails Beginner Cheat Sheet
Tobias Pfeiffer
1 response
ruby, rails, beginner, cheat sheet
Speed up Rails 3 assets compilation with turbo-sprockets-rails3
Nathan B
1 response
ruby, assets, rails
Ruby Gist Script
Zach Queal
1 response
ruby, gist, git