Last Updated: September 09, 2019
· bryanmikaelian

A basic ruby interview

I am not a fan of gimmicks or stupid interview tests but I do believe there is merit in actually seeing if someone can code. The best way is for them to ship their code to you so you can see something they worked on. However, sometimes you need to be extra sure especially if someone seems like their best work was copied and pasted from StackOverflow.

For a Ruby developer, I drafted up a basic interview that I think 99% of all rails developers could pass by 100%. Check it out here:

Since Rails is just Ruby, passing this interview should signal to your company that your candidate is well equipped to handle Rails just fine.

Feel free to add your own code / questions to make it even more advanced!

UPDATE: Thanks to the awesome people commenting on the gist, I have updated some of the answers. I quickly threw this together on a Sunday morning and made several mistakes. Answers have been updated accordingly.

4 Responses
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over 1 year ago ·

Looks perfect. Perhaps adding a simple test using RSpec or Minitest should finish verifying their knowledge. It takes discipline to write and maintain tests!

over 1 year ago ·

These interview questions are cake compared to what I got asked to do at a New Relic Interview... I would definitely say knowing either RSpec or Minitest is required knowledge in most Ruby jobs.

over 1 year ago ·

@bryanaka I think you raise an excellent point. RSpec or Minitest should be on there too. Pretty foundational to being a ruby / rails dev and definitely should be part of an interview.

over 1 year ago ·