Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· leereilly

Highlight your Fortune 500 customers

Fortune 500 Report

The Fortune 500 is an annual list compiled and published by Fortune magazine that ranks the top 500 U.S. corporations as ranked by their gross revenue after various adjustments are made.

The fortune-finder gem allows you to look up Fortune 500 companies based on a domain name or email address. You can then hit your customer database and generate some reports for your PHB, press or marketing departments to say things like...

Over 25% of the Fortune 500 are using our product

We have customers in all of the Fortune 100 companies

Simply install the gem, iterate over your list of customers and do something like the following:

record = FortuneFinder::lookup ""
# => <FortuneFinder::Record:0x007fca82a46060>
# => "Exxon Mobil"

# => 1

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