Newest Ruby Programming Tips
Infinite Scrolling in Ruby on Rails
Esteban Pintos
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rails, javascript, ruby
Integrate Rails flash alert/notice messages into Bootstrap 3 dismissible alert
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ruby, rails, bootstrap
ActiveRecord create, drop and migrations without Rails
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ruby, rails, migration
Multiple file uploads with carrierwave
Daniel Alejandro Gaytán Valencia
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ruby, rails, carrierwave, serialize
Forget counter cache for many-to-many associations in Rails
João Marcelo Oliveira de Souza
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ruby, rails, active record, counter cache
If Rails Asset Precompilation is not happening in Heroku
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rails, ruby, heroku
Ruby & Sinatra & Puma
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ruby, sinatra, puma
Trace SQL queries back to Rails code
Michael Kohl
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ruby, rails, activerecord, query
Hacky Type Hinting in Ruby
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gist, ruby, type hinting
Set scope of I18n translations in Rails with a block
Cristian Andrei
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ruby, i18n, rails, dry
Top 10 Tools/Ruby Gems for Quickly Building Social Networking Sites
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ruby, rails, ruby on rails gems
An Argument for Using Cells, an Argument Against Using Cells in Rails
Steven Bristol
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ruby, rails, cells
Why is Rails saving invalid records?!
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ruby, devise, rails, active-record
Set up Ruby on Rails with Paperclip 5 and S3 using AWS SDK v2
Rory Koehler
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ruby, rails, aws, s3
read yaml files in bash
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bash, ruby, yaml
How to create an AMP page for your dynamic content in Rails
5 responses
rails, google amp, performances, mobile
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bash, ruby, rails
My tricks for i18n in Rails
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rails, ruby, i18n
Implementing Internationalization in an already started Rails project
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rails, ruby, internationalization, i18n
How to create a payment gateway for offsite_payments? (active_merchant)
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ruby, rails, offsite_payments, active_merchant
[Capybara] Click in a div/span
Luciano Sousa
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ruby, capybara, rspec, testunit
Ruby On Rails: Using user saved ActiveSupport TimeZone String to fire a job at the users midnight
Rory Koehler
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ruby, rails, time zones, activesupport
Linkedin OAuth2 Login for Rails
Troy Martin
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rails, ruby, linkedin, oauth2
Path (Linux), LOAD_PATH (Ruby) and autoload_paths (Rails).
0 responses
linux, ruby, rails, paths