Newest Ruby Programming Tips
Passing umlaut to system calls using jruby-1.7.4
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ruby, jruby, umlaut, system call
redirect_to, array and the splat operator
Rafael Oliveira
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ruby, rails
rbserv—a simple Ruby HTTP server
Dallas Reedy
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ruby, zsh, alias, http server
Static Sites for Heroku unix function
Antonio Pagano
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ruby, heroku, site, markup
Unix time to " human time" in Ruby
Boris Quiroz
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ruby, timestamp, datetime
Podfile ruby syntax highlight in vim
Juan Felipe Alvarez Saldarriaga
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ruby, vim, objc, cocoapods
Headless capybara with selenium
Gatis Tomsons
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ruby, bash, testing, capybara
ActiveRecord - Retrieve only a column from DB
Rafael Oliveira
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ruby, rails
Switching to Boxen, a short guide
Thomas Riboulet
2 responses
ruby, setup, boxen
Elegant asynchronous control flow with IcedCoffeeScript
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
2 responses
ruby, web, icedcoffeescript, coffeescript
Using StringInquirer on Rails
Juan Lulkin
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ruby, rails
Simple and correct RESTful routing in RoR
1 response
ruby, rails, rest, ror
CanCan Checking Destroy Abilities
Rafael Oliveira
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ruby, rails
Easily determining ownership in Rails
Josh McMillan
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ruby, rails, activerecord, ownership
Capistrano task for compiling tasks locally
Tiago Amaro
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ruby, rails, capistrano
Creating images from JSON in Rails
Ian Whitney
1 response
ruby, rails, imgkit
Brazillian currency fields with simple_form on Ruby on Rails
Patrick Müller
3 responses
ruby, rails, input, i18n
Rails4 Collection Check Boxes
Rafael Oliveira
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ruby, rails
Delocalize (or localize) attributes on Rails with I18n::Alchemy
Patrick Müller
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ruby, i18n, rails, rails4
Faster test suite boot times with Ruby on Rails
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ruby, rails, testing, software testing
Faster test suite boot times with Ruby on Rails
0 responses
ruby, rails, testing, software testing
Removendo WARNING: Nokogiri Was Built...
Débora Fernandes
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ruby, rails
Alexander Ulitin
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ruby, css3, js, html5