Popular Rs Pec Programming Tips
Know your RSpec cli arguments!
Titov Andrey
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ruby, rails, cli, arguments
Validates field uniqueness with state_machine and factory_girl
Cédric Néhémie
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ruby, rails, factory_girl, rspec
Testing your spec against multiple rubies
1 response
ruby, rvm, rspec
Configure test frameworks and fixture replacements in rails
Jens Grassel
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rails, configuration, testing, rspec
Wisely pick your dates for specs
Jed Schneider
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ruby, rspec, tdd
Navigate to your spec file quickly
Mikael Henriksson
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rails, sublime text 2, rspec
Leveraging Subject in RSpec - A rough cut!
Karthik Sirasanagandla
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ruby, rails, rspec
Using Rspec's shared_examples to spec new behavior
Kamil Tusznio
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ruby, rails, rspec
be nice to your CI
Benjamin Knofe
1 response
ruby, rails, test, ci
rake db:test:prepare error + PostgreSQL + RSpec
Tu Hoang
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rails, rspec, postgresql, rake
Putting RSpec describe blocks in other blocks to keep DRY
Ben Burton
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ruby, rails, rspec
Check the last inserted record with Cucumber
Fabrizio Soppelsa
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ruby, activerecord, cucumber, rspec
Rspec - Getting “by” with rspec feature specs
Nícolas Lazarte Kaqui
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ruby, rails, rspec
RSpec mocha warning with rails
Jens Grassel
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warning, rails, mocha, rspec
Designing code with RSpec
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rails, cucumber, software design, spec
Behavior-Driven Integration and Unit Testing
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cucumber, code, screencast, testing
Testing your FactoryGirl factories (and traits)
Christoph Lupprich
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ruby, rspec, factory girls
Debug your factories
Ramon Roche
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rails, test, factorygirl, rspec
Building Gemfile with Multiple Rails versions
David Paluy
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rspec, rails, gemfile, rails4
Just run rspec tests that differ from master
Markus Graf
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git, bash, rspec
Decouple model tests from observers
Alexey Kuleshov
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ruby, tdd, rails, rspec
Interested in High-Speed Development?
Marko Klemetti
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sublime, testing, rspec, high-speed development
Integration tests vs. Bogus
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ruby, rspec, cucumber, software
Padrino - rspec - adding dynamic code to all controllers during testing
Max Schubert
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ruby, rspec, padrino