Popular Rs Pec Programming Tips
Ultimate rspec/capybara database cleaner
Gatis Tomsons
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rails, rspec, capybara
Ruby 1.9 RR's any_instance_of problems
Luca Guidi
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ruby, tdd, testing, bdd
Tweak that RSpec error message
David Leal
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ruby, error messages, rspec
Given, When, Then in Rspec
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convention, rspec
Serene testing with simplicity
Marko Klemetti
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ruby, tdd, sublime, guard
Achieving better structure for rspec feature specs through "by" and "and_by" blocks
Stephan Hagemann
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ruby, testing, rspec, feature specs
Open Rails spec files as "RSpec" by default (Sublime Text 2/3)
Thomas Klemm
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rails, plugin, syntax, rspec
iTerm2 and Ruby/Rails/Rspec
Vlad Shvedov
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ruby, rails, vim, iterm2
Add Capybara selector for your models
Felipe Elias Philipp
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ruby, rails, rspec, capybara
Stub Rails Logger
David Paluy
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rails, logger, stub, rspec
Execute a subset of tests easily using find and xargs
Curtis Miller
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cucumber, unix, xargs, rspec
How to make an AJAX create or delete request to a nested resource in RSpec
Alex Popov
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rails, testing, request, ajax
CouchRest::Model views errors with RSpec
Luca Guidi
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ruby, tdd, nosql, bdd
FactoryGirl for Controller specs
David Paluy
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rails, controller, factorygirl, rspec
RSpec + Carrierwave Controller test example
Luciano Sousa
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ruby, rails, rspec, carrierwave
.clone & Ruby constants
Thomas Riboulet
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ruby, rspec
Postgres HStore & RSpec
Alan Ho
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rails, postgres, rspec
Calculating truth table possibilities for testing in Ruby
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ruby, testing, rspec
Rails 3 and Rspec 2: Smooth and super fast
Eduardo Martines
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ruby, rails, guard, devise
describe api rspec method for sinatra or grape.
Alexandr Korsak
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ruby, rails, sinatra, grape
Testing ordering with each_cons
Ben Burton
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ruby, rails, rspec, each_cons
Rails: Specs for Inclusion Validations
Efren Aguirre
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rails, validations, specs, rspec
Two Rails 4.1 Upgrade Tips for Rspec and TravisCI
Brian Stolz
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rails, travis ci, upgrade, rspec
RSpec Turnip Formatter
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ruby, turnip, rspec
Multilingual Capybara Specs
Mikael Henriksson
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rails, i18n, rspec, capybara