Popular Rails Programming Tips
How to display action text when content contains the broken image
0 responses
ruby, ruby on rails
Rails 3.2 error handling with exceptions_app
Jeroen Rosenberg
6 responses
ruby, rails, exception handling, exceptions_app
Track Server-Side Events from Rails in Google Analytics
Tero Parviainen
3 responses
rails, analytics, googleanalytics
ActiveRecord UNION hack
Javier Toledo
1 response
ruby, rails
Pass arrays & objects via querystring the Rack/Rails way
Nathan Hopkins
0 responses
rails, querystring
Use Rails 4 secrets.yml for database config
Nathan Hopkins
14 responses
rails, ruby
Turn a new line(\n) into a <\br> tag with Ruby
Chase Gilliam
0 responses
ruby, rails, html, strings
Build a javascript todo app with express, jade and mongodb
Connor Leech
2 responses
heroku, express, jade, mongoose
Prevent updates on Rails models
Michel Billard
3 responses
rails, readonly, read only
Bypassing SSL certificate checks during gem installation
Dharampal H S
0 responses
ruby, bundler, rails, gem
Embedding and Styling Inline SVG Documents With CSS in Rails
James Martin
5 responses
ruby, css, rails, svg
3 Step Migration for moving columns with data to a new table
Richard Lau
4 responses
mysql, rails, postgres, migration
How to update your heroku app
Maynard Cabalitan
2 responses
rails, heroku
Elegantly check for boolean type in rails
Allan Smith
0 responses
ruby, rails, class, boolean
How to test ActionMailer + ActiveJob with Rspec
1 response
rails, rspec, actionmailer, activejob
cattr_accessor vs class_attribute
Aleksey Magusev
1 response
ruby, rails
Ruby: Convert string to class
Matthew Riddle
0 responses
ruby, rails
Advanced Rails Indexing: WHERE clause (postgresql)
Kurtis Rainbolt-Greene
2 responses
rails, activerecord, indexing, postgresql
Only precompile assets when necessary (Rails 4, Capistrano 3)
Andrew Thal
10 responses
ruby, rails, assets, capistrano
Do not confuse "disabled" input option with "readonly" one
Aleksey Magusev
0 responses
ruby, rails, html, slim
Redirect to back or default in Rails
Marko Klemetti
3 responses
ruby, rails, exceptions
Coverting Rails Flash Messages to Toastr Notifications
Syaiful Sabril
11 responses
rails, bootstrap, helper, flash messages
Background daemons in your Rails app with the daemons gem
Jeroen Jacobs
4 responses
ruby, rails, capistrano, deployment
Kibana - Log Aggregation Tool - Setup
Bartłomiej Danek
1 response
rails, log, logger, elasticsearch