Popular Rails Programming Tips
OR queries with arrays as arguments in Rails 4
Rafał Cieślak
9 responses
rails, activerecord, sql, arel
Nested form and Rails 4
Mikhail Nikalyukin
11 responses
rails, nested attributes, nested_form, rails4
Mixing text and variables with HAML
Javier Cuevas
0 responses
ruby, rails, haml
RSpec: allow vs expect
Vu Manh Cuong
1 response
ruby, rails, expect, allow
Faster page loads with Turbolinks
Rico Sta. Cruz
4 responses
ruby, rails, javascript, turbolinks
Generate only the binstubs that your project needs
Mislav Marohnić
7 responses
ruby, bundler, rails, binstubs
Clean Heroku npm cache
Ivan Erceg
8 responses
heroku, node, cache, npm
Clean Rails Install on OS X Mountain Lion: Homebrew + RVM + Ruby 1.9.3 + Git + MySQL
Jonathan Nelson
10 responses
ruby, mysql, rvm, homebrew
Print the current page's html source in Capybara
Daniel Schmidt
1 response
rails, cucumber, capybara
Nested forms with ActiveModel::Model objects
Sam Slotsky
13 responses
rails, activemodel, has_many, nested forms
Validating REST queries with Rails
Ben Woodall
2 responses
ruby, rails
Nested Set Model: the best approach to deal with hierarchical data
2 responses
ruby, mysql, rails, sql
Web fonts and Rails' Asset Pipeline
Dale Sande
0 responses
rails, sass, asset pipeline
Speed up Travis-CI build preparation time by 800%
Michał Czyż
5 responses
ruby, rails, ci, travis-ci
Rails, Twitter Bootstrap and "Disabled" links/buttons
Vladimir Reshetnikov
6 responses
ruby, rails, twitter, bootstrap
Free background jobs on heroku
17 responses
rails, heroku, unicorn, resque
Simple Export to CSV with Postgres
Tom Milewski
6 responses
heroku, postgres, database, csv
Validate URLs in Rails
Lee Machin
6 responses
ruby, rails, url validation
Writing Custom Tasks for Capistrano 3
Tácio Nery
1 response
ruby, rails, capistrano, rake
RSpec Test Results in HTML
2 responses
ruby, rails, html, rspec
Pass the database pwd to Rails with an environment variable
Felix Holmgren
2 responses
ruby, rails, apache, capistrano
Rails, Devise, CanCan, Rolify and User Company Role
Vedran Marčetić
7 responses
rails, roles, devise, user