Popular Php Programming Tips
Easy i18n with language prefix and language-related route in Laravel 4
Marvin Roger
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php, laravel, languages, routing
PHP Mail Spoofing
Paul H.
0 responses
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Send a file via POST with cURL and PHP
Alvaro Flores
0 responses
php, curl, files, post
Complex database migrations with PHP/MySQL using Phinx
Adrian Imfeld
2 responses
php, mysql, sql, migration
Symfony 2 - Duplicate an entity
0 responses
php, symfony, symfony2
Converting PHP Objects to Arrays to read private members
Marco Pivetta
2 responses
php, reflection, oop
Google Cloud Messaging using PHP
Michael Archbold
5 responses
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Connect to mysql through ssh tunnel from php
0 responses
mysql, ssh, php
Sorting Nested Laravel Collections
Alex Sears
4 responses
php, laravel
Chrome Browser: How to emulate a touch screen
Markus Perl
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php, javascript, emulate touch screen, chrome touch screen
Create WordPress virtual page "On The Fly"
raz ohad
12 responses
php, wordpress
PHP for() VS foreach() benchmark
Justin Keller
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php, benchmark, foreach, for
Adding comments to JSON
Jaco Groenewald
3 responses
php, debug, json, testing
Laravel Validator: Require fields based on other inputs
2 responses
php, laravel, validation, input
How to read .doc using PHP
Alvaro Flores
2 responses
php, ms word, doc, files
Codeigniter Active Record - on duplicate key update
Gary Garside
2 responses
php, mysql, active record, codeigniter
Vagrant box - PHP 5 with apache, mysql and phpmyadmin
2 responses
php, mysql, apache, vagrant
Memcached and PHP Sessions
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php, memcache, sessions
Bootstrap collapse menu with WordPress menu
Dwight Scott
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php, menu, bootstrap, wordpress
Check if a port is open with PHP
Michael Gane
0 responses
php, open port, php port check, port check
Quick and painless Tiny URL generator
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
php, html, url shortening
Reverse words in a sentence - PHP
Joanna Ong
4 responses
php, reverse words
Rendering Dates as Carbon objects in Laravel
Alex Sears
1 response
php, laravel
Symfony2 Call Service from Command
3 responses
php, symfony, dependency injection container, dependency injection
Laravel 4 Bootstrap Site basic setup
8 responses
php, laravel 4