Popular Python Programming Tips
Use get() with dict
Mahmoud Hossam
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Easy SMTP Debugging Server
Ben Cohen
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python, smtp
parse a log file quickly
Yohann Gabory
0 responses
python, script
ternjs - editor agnostic javascript tooling
Evan Dale Aromin
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javascript, python, emacs, vim
Use data-uri for single page Html apps
Sébastien Quioc
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python, browser, html5
Have some fun with Python encoding headers
José Tomás Tocino
0 responses
python, utf8, encoding
Emulate Python's try-else semantics in Scala
Erik Allik
0 responses
python, scala, try-catch-finally
My Unofficial “How to Extend distutils” FAQ
Stephan Sokolow
0 responses
python, distutils, reference
Create gzipped tarballs with Python
Brian Tomlinson
0 responses
python, tarballs
Setup a Django Project (1.4 or later)
Rod Afshar
0 responses
python, django
Stealing the current Github branch name from Jenkins
Kostas Demiris
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python, jenkins
Get image width & height
Bolo Michelin
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Inside Python [OSCON 2012]
Tom Lee
0 responses
python, slideshare, compiler, oscon
Awesomer nose tests with progress
Julian Simioni
0 responses
python, nose, django
like coding in Python, Java, C and C++
0 responses
python, c, java, nosql
Painless Deployment using Fabric
0 responses
python, deployment, fabric
Merge dict (e.g. in a listcomp/genexp)
Erik Allik
0 responses
python, dict, list comprehensions
The sign of a modulo expression
Dionysios Barmpoutis
0 responses
python, c, modulo, remainder
Python interactive last value
Maximilian Werner Felgenhauer
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python, cli
JSON readable
Marco Vito Moscaritolo
0 responses
python, json, bash
Quick simple web server
Charles Armitage
0 responses
python, webserver, html, javascript
(Spanish) Cursos de Programación a Distancia
0 responses
php, python, programming, beginners