Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· chauvd

Multiple Regex Matching Over (Lines) *

A quick and concise way to match regex using two dictionaries to store both the expression itself and the result of the search. Both the key portions of the key:value pair contain the same tags whereas the value contains the regex and the result respectively.

regex = {'title' : "title_regex'",
         'auth'  : "auth_regex'",
         'vers'  : "vers_regex'",
         'copy'  : "copy_regex'"}

result = {'title': '',
          'auth' : '',
          'vers' : '',
          'copy' : ''}

An example regex might be;
"__[tT]itle__[' ']*=[' ']*\'(\w+([' ']*\w*)*)\'"

Test each line in the parsed text against each regex and store the search results. When searching could return multiple matches the below example could be reworked to accommodate a result array as the returned value to the dictionary.

for line in infile:
    for expr in regex:
        found = re.match(regex[expr], line)
        if found:
            result[expr] =