Popular Php Programming Tips
Mixing up Backbone.js, Twitter Bootstrap, Node.js, Express, MongoDB and ...bottles of wine
Francesco Zaia
0 responses
php, mongodb, twitter bootstrap, java
CodeIgniter and Hashing
0 responses
php, security, codeigniter, hashing
Remove duplicate values from a simple array
Tobias Deardorff
0 responses
php, array, unique, array_flip
Get last elements key in PHP
Ilic Davor
0 responses
php, array, last element, last key
PHPNotifier - a task scheduler written in pure PHP
Ruslan Bekenev
0 responses
php, opensource
Respond to ajax call with json message and status code (CakePHP)
0 responses
php, json, cakephp, ajax
Adding a custom GitHub repo to your Laravel 4 project using Composer
Jason Au
0 responses
php, composer, git, laravel 4
Anteponer ceros con PHP
Yesi D
2 responses
difference between 2 json in php
0 responses
json, diff, object, php
Wordpress load jquery in the footer!
1 response
php, functions.php, wordpress
Build a web development OS in VirtualBox
2 responses
php, mysql, linux, apache
Running out of Memory with PDO/PHP?
Erik Wurzer
0 responses
php, mysql, pdo
Nested PDO transactions
Samuel Merlet
0 responses
php, mysql, postgres, database
MtGox Bitcoin Price via PHP
Zach Queal
2 responses
php, curl, bitcoin, btc
D7 Multiple File Upload
Tobias Deardorff
6 responses
php, drupal 7, fapi, form api
Calculating Pi using PHP
Daniel Pepin
0 responses
php, math, pi, algebra
How to use mbstring on Heroku (PHP)
3 responses
php, heroku, mbstring
Configuring a Sublime/MAMP Xdebug setup
Daniel Garcia
2 responses
php, sublime, mamp, debugging
5 commands to be a better PHP developer
Dimitrios Meggidis
3 responses
php, commit, psr standards, git
Calculate distance between two coordinates in PHP, JavaScript and MySQL
Alvaro Flores
0 responses
php, mysql, geolocation, latitude
Thoughts on being a programmer.
Sergio Tapia Gutierrez
5 responses
php, rails, .net, programming
Internationalized JavaScript files in CodeIgniter
Alexandros D
3 responses
php, codeigniter, i18n, internationalization
Undocumented Laravel 4 Redirects
Alex Sears
5 responses
php, laravel