Popular Php Programming Tips
Looping through custom posts by custom taxonomies in WordPress
Jack Whiting
1 response
php, wordpress, loop, post taxonomy
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php, json, javascript, angularjs
Use http_build_query() with CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS in PHP
Leonard Challis
0 responses
php, twitter, curl, oauth
Symfony2 - The translation miracle
Max Małecki
10 responses
php, translations, symfony2, miracle
Adding Items to Laravel 4 Collections
Alex Sears
5 responses
php, laravel
Run scripts on Linux/Ubuntu every few seconds, faster than Cron can do it.
Ivan Đurđevac
4 responses
php, linux, cron, ubuntu
Adding a table to your Laravel database
Nicholas Kramer
1 response
php, shell, mysql, terminal
Image Uploads with CKEditor and Laravel
Paul Grau
0 responses
php, laravel, upload, ckeditor
Installing PHP 5.4 on RHEL 6.3 Using REMI Repo
Azri Jamil
0 responses
php, mysql, apache, server
Quick and easy way to sanitize POST data in PHP
Christian Engel
2 responses
php, input, validate, sanitize
Your PHP site may not be secure
Thomas Lackemann
15 responses
php, security, apache
Lock a specific git revision in composer
Hannes Georg
0 responses
php, composer, git
PHP - Convert mixed array & objects recursively
Jason Oakley
6 responses
php, objects, oo, procedural
Getting weather via your command line
Daniel Pepin
4 responses
php, script, api, weather
Sortable gallery to database
Łukasz Wakuła
0 responses
jquery, php, mysql, gallery
Using composer to manage global packages
Markus Hausammann
0 responses
php, composer, bash, phing
Parsing CSV files in PHP (the fast way)
Antonin Januska
0 responses
php, csv, oop
Composer - generate namespaces without installing/updating
Steffan Harries
1 response
php, symfony, packagist, composer
PHP5 Micro Frameworks
12 responses
php, frameworks, micro, php5
PHP + CSV -> Autodetect Delimiter
Markus Perl
0 responses
php, csv, delimiter, csv delimiter
Custom datatype in Laravel schema builder
Roman Nazarkin
4 responses
php, mysql, laravel
Multiple and nested sub-view in Laravel 4
0 responses
php, laravel