Newest Php Programming Tips
PHP Email Validation REGEX
$( '#Cesar' )
2 responses
php, regex
Running PHP apps alongside Rails apps in Pow (
Michiel Sikkes
1 response
ruby, php, rack, pow
Remove index.php in CodeIgniter
Damian Tommasino
3 responses
php, linux, codeigniter
[PHP] Easier way to check if form keys exists
Morrison Laju
0 responses
php, security, validation, forms
Cleaning cache with Drush
Rafael Silva
2 responses
php, drupal
Why not to use NOW() in MySQL
Scott Horsley
7 responses
php, mysql
On frameworks
Nicolas Grasset
0 responses
php, yii, framework, snow
Simple PHP CLI Apps
Nate Good
2 responses
php, command line, cli
Easier cache for Laravel3
Cyrus David
0 responses
php, laravel, laravel 3
var_dump vs. var_export
Joel Kuzmarski
5 responses
php, debugging
using idiorm in lisp with pharen
francesco agati
0 responses
php, lisp, idiorm
writing code for slim framework in lisp
francesco agati
0 responses
php, slim, lisp
pharen: a lisp to php compiler
francesco agati
0 responses
php, lisp
File size
Andréia Bohner
0 responses
Symfony2 Call Service from Command
3 responses
php, symfony, dependency injection container, dependency injection
Symfony2 Doctrine Extensions Timestampable setup
1 response
php, symfony, doctrine, timestampable
send and receive SMS and phone calls over HTTP using
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
php, http, phone, sms
PHP Common Interface for Vimeo and YouTube Embedding
Dustin Fadler
0 responses
php, vimeo, youtube
isset weird behavior
0 responses
Symfony2 Entity Manager - Basic Operations
2 responses
php, symfony, doctrine, entity manager