Popular Objective C Programming Tips
How to make gentle shaking gesture
Alex Hajdu
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iOS - UITextField's text background color
Noval Agung Prayogo
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Post JSON Body to API with Basic HTTP Authentication using Objective C and AFNetworking 1.0
Luke Rhodes
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How to detect that app is running for the very first time after install
Dawid Pośliński
1 response
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Easy way to add orientation to image captured with AVFoundation
Sёmka Novikov
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How to unit test blocks in Obj-C
Raphael Oliveira
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Get current device orientation
Sergi Gracia
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FFmpeg for iOS
David Rodrigues
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Brian Gesiak
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Emoticonizer: replace :) with Emoji
Lars Schwegmann
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Country Codes to Plist
Ivan Yordanov
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Storyboard Popovers
Piper Chester
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Facebook Login with iOS
Rohit Kotian
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iActiveRecord - ObjectiveC wrapper on sqlite3
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Filling a UIView with one color.
Tamás Demeter-Haludka
2 responses
ios, objective-c
How to retrieve Carrier information ?
Vincent Saluzzo
1 response
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How to open NSUserDefaults preferences stored in plist files
Ernesto Mendoza Blanco
0 responses
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Storyboard/UIPageViewController resets subviews' positions
Robert Wünsch
2 responses
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Create a SHA-1 method in Objective-C
Vincent Saluzzo
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Enable Core Data Auto Migration in Sandbox
P. Taylor Goetz
1 response
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Naming iOS Assets in Universal Apps
Sam Green
2 responses
xcode, ipad, iphone, objective-c
Grand Central Dispatch based Socket framework (work in progress)
Lorenzo Masini
0 responses
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Always set Exception Breakpoint
Sergei Cherepanov
1 response
xcode, useful habits, objective-c
CocoaPods, KIF, and Xcode 4.5
Brian Gesiak
1 response
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