Popular Osx Programming Tips
Set $GOROOT variable with homebrew
4 responses
osx, homebrew, go
Super easy colors in ANY command line
Nicholas Jordon
1 response
php, shell, color, osx
Learn about AlwaysAppendSearchDomains in OSX (Mountain) Lion
Frank Louwers
4 responses
osx, lion, mountain lion, dns
Add SSH key to OS X Keychain
Tom Loudon
0 responses
osx, ssh, keychain
Command-line AirPlay video client for AppleTV
Tomohiro TAIRA
3 responses
ruby, shell, rubygems, osx
Gain clipboard support for Vim on OS X
Adam Stankiewicz
4 responses
osx, vim, clipboard
Fixing HOME and END keys, and more, on macOS
Colin Dean
0 responses
home, end, macos, osx
error: There was a problem with the editor 'vi'.
0 responses
bash, zsh, git, osx
Debugging Xcode Plugins
Delisa Mason
3 responses
shell, cocoa, xcode, osx
Getting RMagick working with Mountain Lion
Pedro Rodrigues
4 responses
ruby, rails, osx, brew
Easiest way to start a basic local webserver.
8 responses
python, osx, mac, unix
Speed up MAMP Pro/virtual host name resolution
Jon Thomas
2 responses
sublime text, osx, mamp, apache
Enable the `at` command on OSX
Colin Dean
0 responses
osx, cli, say, at
Encrypting a tar or gz (gzip) File with OpenSSL
Mustafa Ashurex
0 responses
osx, security, linux, gzip
How to wait for GCD queues to suspend before performing a task
Benjamin Schuster-Boeckler
0 responses
cocoa, ios, osx, gcd
Open folder in iTerm
2 responses
shell, osx, iterm, automator
Using Terminal to Open Git Repositories in SourceTree
Franklin Strube
1 response
terminal, osx, git, sourcetree
Set up a Mac for Ruby Dev
Gleb Mazovetskiy
1 response
ruby, osx
Sync Sublime Text 2 settings with Dropbox
Steve Halford
4 responses
osx, macosx, mac, dropbox
Use a symlink with Laravel Valet to rename the "public" folder to anything you want.
Jon Thomas
0 responses
valet, php, macos, osx
Get rid of Nokogiri LibXML warning on OSX Lion
Michele Gerarduzzi
1 response
rails, osx, nokogiri, libxml
Changing your default shell in Mac OS X
Lincoln de Sousa
0 responses
shell, osx, bash
Change icon of Sublime Text 2
Fabiano Leite
0 responses
osx, icon, sublime text 2, fabianoleite
Installing rmagick 2.13.1 in MacOS X Mavericks
1 response
ruby, rails, osx, mac