Popular Mac Os X Programming Tips
Power Management via Terminal
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Recursively copying extended attributes on OS X
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Installing ruby and gems with native extensions on OS X Mavericks
Johnny Rodgers
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ruby, bundler, rvm, gcc
Sensible fullscreen mode for Sublime Text 2 on OS X
Steve Halford
3 responses
sublime text, osx, mac os x, st2
Run the last shell command with sudo - Mac OS X
Rishav Rastogi
3 responses
shell, terminal, mac os x
Allowing non-admin users to change the time zone setting
0 responses
terminal, mac os x, administration
Mac OS X: Launch Quicklook from Terminal
Florian Pichler
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shell, zsh, terminal, mac os x
Installing mysql2 gem with MariaDB using MacPorts
Samuel Williams
1 response
mysql, mac os x, macports, mariadb
Shell script to upload current folder to server
Artem Sapegin
1 response
shell, unix, mac os x, scripting
The Pasteboard & the Command line (Mac OS X)
Thomas Kober
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shell, terminal, osx, macosx
Webshot: A Website Screenshot Extension for Alfred on Mac OS X
Jonathan Nelson
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Quick Tip: scutil
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terminal, mac os x, hostname
Sublime Text 2 Settings
Ryan Jadhav
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sublime text, mac os x
Solve install problem when using PostgresApp Mac OS X
Patrick Müller
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ruby, bundler, gems, mac os x
Change you Unix user default shell
Hélder Vasconcelos
3 responses
shell, script, linux, unix
Installing Ruby 2.0.0 on Mac OS 10.8.2 with MacPorts
Maxim Smirnov
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ruby, rails, mac os x
PostgreSQL y Mac OS X
Francisco Granados
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mac os x, autoload, shutdown, autostartup
MacOS X 10.8 Upgrade
Silvan Spross
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python, django, mac os x
Tmux exists immediately
Max Prokopiev
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macosx, homebrew, brew, tmux
Upgrade to ruby 2.x on Mac OS X with rbenv & homebrew
Alexey Cherednikov
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ruby, homebrew, mac os x, rbenv
A tmux key binding to open contents of paste buffer as a URL
Tom Jakubowski
0 responses
mac, tmux, mac os x
Read man pages as PDF within Preview.app
0 responses
perl, terminal, pdf, mac os x
Advanced features for your Bash Shell
Hélder Vasconcelos
0 responses
shell, cli, linux, unix
Agreeing to the Xcode/iOS license requires admin privileges, please re-run as root via sudo.
Silvan Spross
0 responses
console, terminal, xcode, mac os x
Avanzar por palabra en consola
Patricio Bruna
0 responses
mac os x, linux