Popular Javascript Programming Tips
Tiny-Swiper - 2kb gzipped library alternative to SwiperJS with the same modern API.
4 responses
javascript, html, html5, slider
Clustering Node.js applications
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
1 response
heroku, coffeescript, javascript, paas
SMS Verification Service On Your Website in 10 minutes For Free
5 responses
2fa, sms verification, phone verification, one-time password
Custom Display in Ext JS ComboBox
Chris Missal
0 responses
extjs, javascript
Shorten up console.log() in JavaScript
Akhyar A.
6 responses
jQuery DOM cache object
Damian Le Nouaille
14 responses
jquery, dom, javascript, perf
JavaScript design patterns
Steven Iseki
2 responses
xcode-select: error: tool 'xcodebuild' requires Xcode
0 responses
xcode, npm, osx
Access angularJS scope in browser console
3 responses
debugging, javascript, angularjs
Test a requirejs project using mocha-phantomjs, chai and sinon
3 responses
sinon, requirejs, phantomjs, mocha
JavaScript Instagram Social Login Bootstrap Button for OAuth
0 responses
javascript, oauth, instagram, social login
Shorthand string to number (JS)
Garry Taulu
1 response
js, javascript, shorthand
Coverage report with gulp and istanbul
Joel Grenon
1 response
coverage, task, istanbul, gulp
`isOdd` function in JavaScript
2 responses
javascript, modulo
Learning new things: Don't beat your head against a wall.
Rachel Nabors
8 responses
learning, reading, javascript
Swap values of two variables without using a temporary variable
4 responses
trick, javascript
Implement Social Login Button for Any OAuth Provider Using Vue.js
0 responses
oauth, oauth2, javascript, vue
Comparing date objects in JavaScript using the == operator
Wei-Meng Lee
0 responses
date, javascript, moment.js
Mocking Backbone.Model fetch() requests with Sinon.fakeServer
Paul Osborne
3 responses
backbone, sinon, javascript, mocking
Neat little ko.observableArray trick
Mo Djavanroodi
2 responses
knockout, javascript, ko, observablearray
jQuery datePicker - Formato de fecha
Yesi D
0 responses
jquery, datepicker
JavaScript getElementById Not Required
Teddy Garland
12 responses
javascript, getelementbyid
A little project with Node.js, MongoDB, Jade and Stylus
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
8 responses
css, nodejs, css3, mongodb
Data Attributes in HTML 5
Abishek R Srikaanth
0 responses
data, html5, javascript