Popular Java Script Programming Tips
jQuery custom plugin skeleton with CoffeeScript
Andrea Pavoni
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jquery, coffeescript, javascript
Breakpoints in JS
Raúl Barroso
3 responses
debug, js, breakpoint
iron-jade - flatiron web app template
Tom Wilson
0 responses
flatiron, javascript, nodejs
Gulp Project with Atom.io
Laurent Rémy
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coffescript, gulp, atom
Carrierwave-Rails start a download without iframe/javascript hacks
Alexis Rabago Carvajal
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rails, download, files, javascript
Maximize images to fit to screen
Hiroki Yoshioka
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javascript, jquery
scroll to div (left and right)
Valentin Beuret
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jQuery | string slugify
Merianos Nikos
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javascript, jquery, slug, slugify
Use Broccoli to Compile Emblem Templates for Ember
Jake Trent
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js, ember, emblem, broccoli
MixItUp animated filtering and sorting
Mahmoud El Ghandour
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jquery, css, filter, animated
How to alert users on unload the page
Djalma Araújo
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events, javascript, onunload
Web devs can use Make too!
Justin Poliey
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make, handlebars, javascript
CSS transition and animation callback in JS
Stevo Perisic
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css, callback, js, animations
Install Full Express.js stack in 8 Lines of shell code
Dwight Spencer
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npm, debian, express.js, nvm
Coderwall is live on Assembly
Mike Hall
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ember.js, ruby, rails, coderwall
Mis consideraciones de 404 un mes antes que @inchoo
Martín Alejandro Mednik
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css, html, js, ui
Jquery extender - the fastest way to create custom plugin
Igor Ivanovic
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plugin, jquery, javascript, extendable
Faster clicks on touch devices
Kevin Ennis
2 responses
jquery, javascript
Quick min/max-width media query support in IE6-8
Mike King
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css, html, responsive design, media query
Automatic Release notes plugin using GitHub milestones
Cedric Dugas
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javascript, github
JS indexOf conditions
Alexandr Subbotin
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javascript, indexof
Dynamic socials links ("Share this Page")
Garrett Amini
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twitter, facebook, pinterest, sharing
Easy javascript syntax checking in vim
Jonathan Bowers
0 responses
javascript, vim, syntax
Reduce JS startup latency with this technique from Gmail
Gavyn McKenzie
0 responses
speed, javascript
lazy-assets: An opinionated and simple build-system
Endel Dreyer
1 response
php, css, frontend, javascript