Popular Java Script Programming Tips
Use bitwise instead of Math-functions in JavaScript
Thomas Lindstrøm
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performance, math, boost, bitwise
Jquery parseJSON
Razvan Stan
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jquery, json
simple localhost server
antonio miranda
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node, server, localhost
Creating custom view - HipChat integration
Veronika Lindorenko
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tutorial, integration, javascript, hipchat
Cost effective way of Exception tracking
Rahul Trikha
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ruby, rails, android, error
Prototyping for Bootstrap
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
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css, html, bootstrap, design
Animate the Inanimate
Jim Greenleaf
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jquery, animation, javascript
Verify if jQuery found an element
Ion D. Filho
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jquery, dom search
Bookmarklet: Debug window width & height
Kasper Mikiewicz
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bookmarklet, javascript
Stop spam emails from bots (without captcha)
Evgeny Kolyakov
2 responses
jquery, php, js, spam
Maps with Google Maps & MVC
Alan Roberto Pérez Hernández
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mvc, google maps, jquery, ajax
Resetting forms with jQuery
Mark Vaughn
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jquery, forms, javascript
POST submission to Nodejs in vanilla js
Andrei Oprea
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javascript, nodejs
Javascript: if vs. case performances
Lucia Moreno
1 response
switch, performances, flow control, javascript
Using npm in Europe
Lee Crossley
2 responses
node, npm, javascript, registry
Make Node async operations sync
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async, sync, node, deasync
csv2json streaming parser
Tom Wilson
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coffeescript, javascript, nodejs
Use JSON3 instead of JSON2 library
tambi jalouqa
0 responses
json, javascript
Execute a bunch of asynchronous method with one callback
Dmitry Belaventsev
2 responses
async, javascript
Microjs - find the best tool for the job
Avner Cohen
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css, html, javascript, ui
Detect touchcapability in JavaScript
Jonathan Krause
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snippet, touch, javascript
Send forms using Ctrl + Enter
Kasper Mikiewicz
1 response
snippet, ux, javascript
Anatomy of the new Hashrocket: Frontend Design
Cameron Daigle
1 response
responsive design, sass, javascript
Double javascripts in rails app
Valter Martinek
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rails, assets, environment, javascript
Use variable $0 to refer element selected with element inspector
Juhamatti Niemelä
0 responses
javascript, chrome, firefox