Popular J Query Programming Tips
Fade in page on load
Axel Ferdinand Giæver
3 responses
jquery, javascript
Using barcode scanner with jQuery
Miguel Montes Porras
2 responses
javascript, jquery, reader, scanner
Dismiss Bootstrap Modal (Forever!) with jQuery Cookie, On Click
Andrew Borstein
0 responses
jquery, bootstrap, cookie, click
jQuey fullCalendar plugin and repeatable events and tasks
Christopher Ramírez
4 responses
fullcalendar, javascript, jquery
Make CSS dropdown menus work on touch devices
James Barnett
1 response
jquery, css, javascript
Fade an element relative to scroll, in one line
Phil Renaud
3 responses
ui, ux, jquery, javascript
Remove all except first item on a html select list (jQuery)
Ion D. Filho
0 responses
jquery, js, html, javascript
Simple multilanguage with jQuery
Davide Gessa
0 responses
jquery, language, internationalization, javascript
Div Full Width/Height of viewport
Jake Chapman
8 responses
snippet, fullwidth, fullheight, javascript
PEBKAC: jQuery scrollTop not working on mobile
Christian Bundy
2 responses
mobile, ios, android, jquery
Remove value from array with jQuery
Arthur Chang
0 responses
coffeescript, jquery, javascript
Bind load and resize for responsive jQuery
Kory Tegman
5 responses
css, responsive design, jquery, javascript
Set jQuery Validate default messages
Leon Barrett
0 responses
jquery, validation, messages
How to prevent native scrolling on mobile browsers
0 responses
mobile, jquery, javascript
Better way of passing multiple parameters to a function in javascript
Nima Shariatian
3 responses
javascript, jquery
Consumiendo un webservice con jQuery y json
Jorge Andrade
0 responses
jquery, json, jsonp, ajax
Close dropdowns by clicking outside of them with jQuery
Craig Dennis
1 response
click, jquery
jQuery - add CSS animation class and remove after animation
2 responses
jquery, css3, animation, javascript
Testing your JavaScript with Karma runner
5 responses
testing, javascript, jquery, karma-runner
Reset jQuery form validation (jQuery.validate)
Ion D. Filho
0 responses
css, js, validation, jquery
Save DOM elements in variables using jQuery
6 responses
jquery, javascript
When is better to use .data() or .attr()?
Junior B.
4 responses
dom, data, jquery, html
Calculate width of text from a DOM element or string.
Phil Freo
12 responses
javascript, width, jquery
jQuery initialization
1 response
javascript, jquery, dom, load
Reload page on every visit, also when using the back-button
Axel Ferdinand Giæver
4 responses
jquery, javascript