Popular Git Programming Tips
Free hosting with Pagoda Box
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
php, css, open source, api
pre-commit hooks
Angel Botto
0 responses
ruby, rails, hook, git
My voluptuous code editing mistress: Sublime Text
Nicholas Jordon
3 responses
javascript, jquery, php, shell
Adding another project's entire history with git using subtree merge
0 responses
shell, scm, git, lucariatias
Commit a new file to git using Rugged
Dan Allen
1 response
git, rugged, libgit2
Exporting a folder to a separate Git repository
Héctor Gómez
0 responses
git, repository, shell, decoupling
Saving github auth info in Mac OS X keychain
Lincoln de Sousa
7 responses
osx, git, github
Retina image support for Rails apps
Oliver Leitzgen
0 responses
rails, gem, retina, github
Generate database.yml for the projects where you ignore it
Adrian Gonzalez
1 response
git, rails, database.yml
Add some git powered muscle to your project I
Rob Jens
0 responses
diff, vim, source, management
Using Sublime Text 2 as your default Git editor
Philip Vasilchenko
0 responses
git, merge, sublime text 2
Add a git submodule using Rugged
Dan Allen
0 responses
git, rugged, libgit2
useful git commands
Alyssa Pohahau
0 responses
arpohahau, git
Git Diff Commands Simplified
Abizer Nasir
0 responses
diff, git
commiting to a remote github gist
Mike Mondragon
0 responses
gist, git, github
Embed a subrepository within another Git repository
0 responses
embed, git, subtree, subrepository
A better way to setup git flow
Alan Ivey
0 responses
git-flow, git flow, git
Don't Rush To Create Git Aliases
Abizer Nasir
1 response
shell, aliases, git
What is git?
Arnold Daniels
1 response
introduction, git, github
Check for PHP syntax errors before Git commit
Baki Goxhaj
0 responses
php, terminal, git, bash