Popular Git Programming Tips
Detailed Objective-C Cheat Sheet
Rob Phillips
4 responses
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Create A Simple Git Timesheet
David Stump
3 responses
alias, git, bash, timesheet
Copy last git commit message to clipboard in OSX
Chris Hale
0 responses
osx, workflow, git
Use GitHub Organizations to Organize Code
Daan van Berkel
2 responses
code, git, organization, github
Quick access to a Github repo via address bar
Maxime Thirouin
6 responses
browser, shortcut, repository, git
The importance of a good shell interface
Nicholas Jordon
11 responses
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WTF did I do?!
Jens Nilsson
8 responses
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7 Most Common Git Mistakes
0 responses
php, programming, wordpress, laravel
Open all files with merge conflicts (with Sublime)
Uri Gorelik
4 responses
sublime, alias, shortcut, git
imagesnap git post-commit photo rewrite
Damon Davison
5 responses
shell, git
How to deploy a Ruby on Rails app from BitBucket to Heroku
0 responses
ruby, rails, heroku, testing
List the modified files on your repository
Filipe Kiss
0 responses
regex, sed, grep, git
share git repositories with dropbox
Daniel Leidisch
1 response
dropbox, git
Extracting Symfony2 bundles using 'git subtree split'
Craig Marvelley
1 response
git, bundles, subtree, symfony2
Git Fetch as alternative to Git Pull on shared hosting
Antonin Januska
3 responses
git, shared hosting, github
How to Make Conditional Requests to Github's API using Octokit
Joshua Rowley
0 responses
api, octokit, github
Wrap long lines of git diff
Anselm Hannemann
0 responses
diff, git, line-wrap
GitHub Wiki: Table of Contents
Mario Ricalde
0 responses
awk, wiki, bash, table of contents
Auto deploy node.js repos - git hooks
1 response
nodejs, git, github
How to install Node.js on Ubuntu via git
Fabrizio Codello
0 responses
howto, install, git, nodejs
Install git commit hooks after npm install using grunt
Andreas Köberle
1 response
npm, grunt, git, git-hooks
List / Read files in another git branch
0 responses
branch, git
Git “Command Not Found” Error In Mountain Lion [Quickfix]
Bob Williams
0 responses
osx, mac, mountain lion, fix
Get Xcode 4.4 command line tools easily
Adrien Brault
0 responses
xcode, mac, mountain lion, command line tools