Newest Git Programming Tips
.gitignore file
0 responses
Renaming a branch on git
Renato Vasconcellos Gomes
1 response
branch, rename, git
Sometimes a sentiment belongs on a t-shirt
Tim Serong
0 responses
git, confusion, consternation, complexification
Use legit
Mahmoud Hossam
0 responses
Use magit-ediff to resolve merge conflicts
Leonardo Etcheverry
3 responses
emacs, magit, git
CiviCRM Flo2Cash payment extension
Chris Burgess
0 responses
civicrm, flo2cash, github
Conditionator: ruby gem to DRY up your logic
Fernando Doglio
0 responses
ruby, gem, github
List the modified files on your repository
Filipe Kiss
0 responses
regex, sed, grep, git
See no merged branches on git
Filipe Kiss
3 responses
branches, branch, merge, git
Enhanced git log output
Heitor Silva
0 responses
log, git
Ignoring the content of a folder
Heitor Silva
0 responses
gitignore, git
git helper for long branch names
0 responses
zsh, git
Three Ways Of Excluding Files From Git
Abizer Nasir
0 responses
gitignore, git
Git Diff Commands Simplified
Abizer Nasir
0 responses
diff, git
Dmytro Golub
0 responses
gitconfig, git
Smooth push to Gerrit
0 responses
gerrit, push, config, git
Simple Git Log Output
Abizer Nasir
0 responses
git log, git
Don't Rush To Create Git Aliases
Abizer Nasir
1 response
shell, aliases, git
Be more descriptive with your remote names.
Abizer Nasir
0 responses
remote repositories, repository name, git
Writing Git commit messages
Abizer Nasir
0 responses
commit message, git
Responsive Images: An Experiment with Mobile-First Images that Scale Responsively & Responsibly
Mike King
0 responses
responsive, javascript, github
JPC2000: a javascript drum machine
Mike King
0 responses
music, javascript, github