Newest G It Programming Tips
Remote private gem/repository - git subtree
0 responses
ruby, git
Downloading your favourite repos from Github(Python)
0 responses
github, python, git
Tarball of files modified between two GIT commits
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shell, git, deploy, deployment
Prevent private Gem being pushed to RubyGems (Bundler)
Marc Anguera Insa
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ruby, bundler, rails, gem
Programming language colors Github
Cassio Cabral
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ruby, css, rails, colors
Auto Git Deployment
Purwa Astawa
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bash, git, linux, ssh
Remove multiple remote branches with git
Jens Grassel
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shell, git
Fix a broken pfSense UI
Ian Nelson
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ui, github, pfsense
private bower components, a simple solution
Dirk Eisenberg
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git, bower, javascript
Better binary diffs in Git
Andrea Richiardi
0 responses
git, binary
Migrate SVN branches to Git
1 response
branch, svn, rebase, versioning
Regex to match GitHub’s Markdown code blocks
Gonçalo Morais
3 responses
regex, markdown, js, javascript
Previewing your Github README
JP Camara
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python, markdown, github
Change Dokku public key after setup
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ssh, git, dokku
Git Bash Private Keys on Windows
0 responses
git, ssh, windows
Comparing any two commits on GitHub and GitLab
Janos Gyerik
0 responses
git, gitlab, github
Clean print github pages
Hasan Tayyar BEŞİK
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doc, bookmarklet, print, github
Best practice: Team Workflow for Github
Ryan Canty
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best practices, git, github
git push is changing
matt j. sorenson
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dvcs, version control, git
Generate your changelogs with Git log and write
Miguel Ramos
0 responses
log, sh, changelog, git