Newest G It Programming Tips
Git with intent to add!
1 response
configuration, version control, git
Quickly switch between last-used branches in git
Jim Riordan
0 responses
branch, workflow, shortcut, git
Meteor Starter Pack
2 responses
meteor, starter, github
Sort your git tags by version! Version Sort to the rescue!
Loisaida Sam
2 responses
git, sort, bash, semantic versioning
Get git current branch name
Orlando Del Aguila
4 responses
git, branch, rev-parse
Justin Seiter
0 responses
gist, git, github
Case-sensitive git in Mac OS X like a Pro
Even André Fiskvik
12 responses
osx, rename, filename, git
Moving to the new Android Build System
Alex Boyd
0 responses
android, gradle, intellij, hg
Only allow `git commit -a` when nothing is staged
Jordan Klassen
0 responses
hook, git, pre-commit
git log that excludes an author
Paul Frields
0 responses
regex, git, pcre, exclude
Codeigniter & Git - temporarily ignore database config
Dave Townsend
0 responses
codeigniter, git
Always be using the latest version of Meld
Duncan Lock
0 responses
shell, git, meld
Helpful Git Aliases
Alex Sears
0 responses
Script to update vim pathogen and bundles
Jens Grassel
3 responses
shell, zsh, vim, git
Git in color
0 responses
terminal, commands, git
Source control for documents - Git Word Diff
1 response
markup, git, word-diff
Undo last commit
0 responses
undo, commit, last, git
Git diffs that are nothing
Larry Aasen
4 responses
ios, mobile, commit, git
Save time with git aliases in bash profile
Joe Cochran
1 response
git, bash