Popular Git Programming Tips
Removing file from entire repository in Git
Dmitriy Plekhanov
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git, removing
Show git changes close to current terminal position
Denis Savitskiy
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console, lifehack, mac os x, cmd
Create a Github repository right from the command-line
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github, git, productivity
Using git-patch for fun and profit
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git, bash
Curso Ruby y Git
Jorge Alberto Andrade Aguilar
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ruby, git
Downloading your favourite repos from Github(Python)
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github, python, git
Git Fatal CR LF Fix
Victor Kristof
2 responses
git, terminal
Tips and tricks publishing your jQuery / javascript plugins in Github
Joan Claret
0 responses
jquery, tips, tricks, plugins
Git Tutorial
Jayson Mandani
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learn, branching, git, jsonmanz
The Benefits of Working with Git
Nicola Pietroluongo
0 responses
software, development, git, versioning
Tarball of files modified between two GIT commits
0 responses
shell, git, deploy, deployment