Popular Git Programming Tips
Discarding all local commits on this branch
Filip Lindqvist
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git, branch
Short aliases for GIT PULL- and PUSH
David du Toit
0 responses
git, bash
Simple contributors stats on git repos
Denis Costa
0 responses
shell, git
Tag deployments in git
Gleb Mazovetskiy
0 responses
deployment, git
Remove unstaged code in git
Oskar Hane
0 responses
shell, bash, git
Little nifty scripts to help make a developers life easier
Markus Schwed
0 responses
git, helper, scripts, software development
pull updates for all repositories in one folder
Philipp Haußleiter
1 response
bash, git, pull
Sync a git repository
0 responses
fork, git
easy CHANGELOG.md maker
Carlos Suarez Fontalvo
0 responses
bash, git
Edit git remotes
Melanie Archer
0 responses
git, basics
Git: Find all files created by given author
Patrick McLaren
0 responses
git, linux, superuser, commandfu