Popular Git Programming Tips
Push New Branch
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git, sh
If git clone repository-url . want work because directory isn´t empty
Ilic Davor
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git, clone, tmp, repository
travis screencast
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screencast, travis, video, youtube
Eric S.
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git, prose
git last
Rishav Rastogi
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Helpful Git Aliases
Alex Sears
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Show some simple git branch graph on terminal
Norbert Melzer
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terminal, git, branching-graph
Git - Create a branch from today's date
Dimitrios Mistriotis
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git, shell, branch
Github: Open a file on github.com from command-line
Ashish Bhatia
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github, command-line
Case-sensitive file renaming with Git
Melanie Archer
0 responses
git, basics
Stick these two aliases in your .gitconfig to ease cleaning and updating your dev branches!
Dan Bennett
0 responses
alias, cli, development, branching
Removing file from entire repository in Git
Dmitriy Plekhanov
0 responses
git, removing
What to do after typing `git tag list`
Melanie Archer
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git, basics