Popular Git Programming Tips
Oh-my-zsh prompt for git (using RVM)
Chip Castle
0 responses
zsh, rvm, prompt, oh-my-zsh
git log that excludes an author
Paul Frields
0 responses
regex, git, pcre, exclude
A List of Helpful Git Commands
Joshua Croad
2 responses
command line, git
Git add same name different folder files.
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
0 responses
javascript, bash, git
Code blocks on GitHub and coderwall
Adrian Imfeld
2 responses
php, markdown, github
Sort your git tags by version! Version Sort to the rescue!
Loisaida Sam
2 responses
git, sort, bash, semantic versioning
Delete local and remote Git branches
Abhinav Ajgaonkar
2 responses
remote, git, delete branch
gist script from command line
1 response
shell, console, gist, git
Deploying BitBucket Repos with Github for Windows to WebFaction
Cory Simmons
1 response
webfaction, deployment, bitbucket, git
Better git log
Mark Gerrard
3 responses
Move a repo (With many branches&Tags) from Github to Bitbucket
Luke Hamilton
3 responses
repo, bitbucket, git, repos
How rebase a repo to a subtree and keep it in sync
0 responses
rebase, git, subtree
Git push to update your website.
Ashley Clarke
0 responses
git, remote server
git config http proxy including authentication
Rob Pearson
0 responses
http, proxy, authentication, git
Removing a remote branch in git
Alexander Greim
2 responses
branching, git
Manually Merging a GitHub Pull Request
Ryland Herrick
0 responses
merging, git, github
Changing line endings on Windows using Powershell and Git
0 responses
powershell, git
Remove remote merged branches
Enrique Vidal
2 responses
git, bash
Amend a commit, keeping the same commit message
Josh Buhler
2 responses
git, commits, oops i did it again
Using non-GitHub Repos with PhoneGap Build
Eric Allen
1 response
bitbucket, beanstalk, git, phonegap build
Howto split a git repository into two
Jens Grassel
0 responses
git, split repo, prune, filter-branch
Your own Git server
6 responses
linux, git, gitosis
Git with intent to add!
1 response
configuration, version control, git