Popular Front End Programming Tips
Vowel Count (JS Algorithm)
3 responses
javascript, algorithm
Debugging JS with Sublime Web Inspector
Matias H. Leidemer
0 responses
sublime, debugging, webinspector, javascript
Grunt loadNpmTasks snippet
Shaun Dunne
0 responses
js, build, grunt
Creating a Web Chat with Webix and WebSocket API
Veronika Lindorenko
1 response
websocket, javascript, nodejs, webix
The Enkoder Form
Jentan Bernardus
2 responses
security, encryption, javascript
Javascript range / list comprehensions
Alvaro Garcia
0 responses
javascript, python, functional, range
Return to last active Tab on Twitter Bootstrap 3
Patrick Müller
3 responses
bootstrap, javascript
Target IE with javascript
Brad Rice
3 responses
`rake routes` for Backbone
Kostas Karachalios
0 responses
rails, backbone, underscore, javascript
Auto-resizing Page Elements With Jquery Mobile
Svilen Vassilev
0 responses
html, jquery
Effective Plain Javascript Selector
Widy Graycloud
3 responses
If There is No Profile Image, Show a Placeholder Glyph-Icon using Angular
Kali Kiger
0 responses
css, angular.js, ng-style, ng-show
Oldschool ASCII art with web fonts
2 responses
css, javascript
OverAPI.com - Collecting All Cheat Sheets
1 response
jquery, ruby, php, python
Will McKenzie
0 responses
Extremely thin console.log wrapper
Matias Korhonen
0 responses
coffeescript, console, log, k33l0r
Feedback needed for custom OpenShift cartridge
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
0 responses
npm, workflow, openshift, javascript
FakeServer - Simplified Jasmine/Sinon interface for Ajax mocking
Craig Maslowski
0 responses
tdd, sinon, javascript, jasmine
requestAnimationFrame Polyfill
Francisc Romano
0 responses
requestanimationframe, raf, javascript
GSAP JS for animations rather than jQuery
Shaun O'Connell
0 responses
jquery, animations, responsive web design, gasp.js
Using INPUT CHANGE event on IE
Ion D. Filho
0 responses
jquery, .net, ie, csharp
Giving the user no control with JavaScript
David Higgins
10 responses
Titon Toolkit, the front-end UI library for the responsive, mobile, and modern web
Miles Johnson
0 responses
css, responsive, toolkit, mobile
Eureka! I finally understand closures
Brandon Turner
5 responses
closure, javascript
Vanilla JS Form Validation Library - Validatinator
David Jenkins
0 responses
js, javascript, form validation, vanilla