Popular Front End Programming Tips
Fast and working Levenshtein algorithm in JavaScript
0 responses
algorithm, javascript, levenshtein
0.1 + 0.2 !== 0.3 WTF?
Peter Peterson
2 responses
Going further with Angular E2E tests: extending the Scenario DSL
Oliver Tupman
1 response
angularjs, testing, javascript, lungojs
Beginners' Guide to Writing Jasmine Tests in CoffeeScript
Levent Gurses
1 response
coffeescript, testing, tdd, javascript
Concurrency in JS is easy: with Promises.
Quildreen Motta
4 responses
nodejs, concurrency, asynchronous, promises
Set focus on first visible enabled input type text with jQuery
Ion D. Filho
0 responses
jquery, setfocus
Time-based CSS Background using JavaScript
James Barnett
3 responses
css, javascript
Object.extend Black Magic
Chris Coniglio
7 responses
javascript, prototypes, inheritance, object.create
proxy.php: proxy any POST from javascript to anywhere
Dominik Pich
0 responses
php, javascript
Handling non-200 status codes in Backbone
Mark Wales
0 responses
backbone, error, jquery, ajax
Chrome Truly Remote Debugging
Patrick Guido Arminio
1 response
css, html, chrome, debug
Mobile Parallax with Stellar.js
Mark Dalgleish
0 responses
jquery, css, ios, mobile
Using CIE-LCh for better color blending
Adam Luptak
0 responses
color, animation, transition, rgb
Dynamic element size via CSS position manipulation
Elad Shechter
0 responses
css, web design, javascript
Mobile Bookmark Bubble
Kevin Perrine
1 response
javascript, android, ios
into to angular ui-router
Connor Leech
0 responses
javascript, angular.js, angular, ui-router
waitOn and Multiple subscriptions in iron-router
Yoza Wiratama
3 responses
javascript, iron-router, meteorjs, subscribe
AngularJS and web application internationalization
2 responses
web, angularjs, js, gettext
Dead Simple Slideshows with JS and CSS
Mathias Kahl
2 responses
css, html, javascript, slideshows
Execute code after onbeforeunload modal
Kushagra Gour
3 responses
hack, javascript, page unload
Don't be a jerk, organize your code.
Nicholas Jordon
9 responses
jquery, ruby, php, python
Dumb JavaScript string interpolation
Fuad Saud
2 responses
Undescorize, Dasherize, Capitalize String Prototype
0 responses
string, capitalize, prototype, javascript