Last Updated: November 28, 2016
· 0xax

AngularJS and web application internationalization

Internationalization of web applications is ubiquitous and i show how can you make it in your application with AngularJS.

For example we have some *.json files with our translations, something like this en_US.json:

   "en_US" : {
       "HOME": "home",
       "GREETINGS": "Hello, how are you?"

First of all we must to load our en_US.json file and files with other translations and save it's content to the variable. I will load it in the initialization part of web application.


var Lang = 
    (function() {var json = null;
            'async': false,
            'url': "/en_US.json",
            success: function (data) {
                json = JSON.parse(data);
        return json;

Now we can use Lang variable everywhere. Let's create AngularJS filter. We will transform content to necessary translation.

MyApplication.filter('translate', function (){
    return function(input){
        // Check necessary locale locale

       // .....

       // Change locale
       for (var prop in Lang){
           if (prop == input)
               // return translation
               return Lang[prop];

Now we can ease translate any content in our application. Use translate filter in your templates like:

<div>{{ 'GREETINGS' | translate }}
    <p>{{ 'HOME' | translate }}</p>


2 Responses
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angular-translate has a similar approach :)

In addition, angular-translate doesn't have a jQuery dependency.

Check it out right here:


over 1 year ago ·

@pascalprecht It would be awesome if angular-translate could simply load a en_US.json language file instead of defining it in the config. Is that possible?

over 1 year ago ·