Popular Debian Programming Tips
Install Full Express.js stack in 8 Lines of shell code
Dwight Spencer
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install fresh debian kernel debs after build
0 responses
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Linux: archey – Systeminformations
Patrik Kernstock
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linux, debian, system, information
Postfix: Mailqueue commands
Patrik Kernstock
0 responses
linux, tip, server, debian
Gwyddion 2.30 を Debian (wheety - 64bit) にインストールしたメモ
0 responses
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Multiple JDK Installed? Here's how to set one default
Junior Ales
0 responses
debian, jdk, java, ubuntu
Upload DEB packages to Bintray using dput
Jürgen Hermann
0 responses
python, linux, workflow, debian
Resolving APT 'changed Origin' error (Deb/Ubuntu)
Allan Smith
0 responses
ubuntu, debian, apt
Sort apt-cache search with a shell function
Harley Laue
0 responses
debian, apt, ubuntu, bash
Check cpu temperature and control fan of Thinkpad in Debian
Behnam Ahmad khan beigi
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terminal, linux, debian
See log in times for all users
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, server, debian, ubuntu
Update APT gpg keys on Debian
Marco Bunge
0 responses
debian, gpg
Find out reliably if Debian system is 64 or 32 bit one.
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, linux, debian, ubuntu
Cómo crear un redireccionamiento simple desde Apache
Hugo Gilmar Erazo
0 responses
apache, redirect, debian, mod_alias
Install latex environment in one step on debian
Russ Lankenau
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latex, debian, tex
apt-key import oneliner
Bruce Wang
0 responses
import, debian, apt, gpg
apt-get ruby2
Alex Gibson
0 responses
ruby, debian, ubuntu, ruby2
List (and remove) installed packages which are not up to date
Andre Timmermann
0 responses
debian, system, apt, ubuntu
Configure Touchpad of Toshiba Portege Z30 on Debian
Peter Suschlik
0 responses
config, tap, debian, mouse
Bootstrapping Chef on Debian 7.0
Sylvain Niles
0 responses
ruby, bootstrap, chef, devops
Upgrade stock ruby1.8 to ruby1.9.1 on debian squeeze
Jinn Koriech
0 responses
ruby, debian
5 min Node.js .deb for RaspberryPI package building
Vincent RABAH
0 responses
nodejs, raspberrypi, arm, deb
Preventing accidental system halts and reboots
Bayard Randel
0 responses
linux, devops, debian
Package your application as DEB
Hendra Gunawan
0 responses
linux, debian, application