Popular Coffee Script Programming Tips
Convert clipboard contents from Javascript to Coffeescript
Christian Schlensker
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coffeescript, javascript
Code Coverage for CoffeeScript
Mathieu Desvé
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coffeescript, coverage
last element of an array
Victor Zamfir
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Dead simple 'Check All' Table Header
Jarrett Green
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javascript, coffeescript, ui
Testing with Coffeescript free eBook
Mario Alberto Chavez
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coffeescript, testing, jasmines
Supercharge your next Meteor app
Joshua Beitler
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coffeescript, sass, comet, meteor
Express-Coffee - Coffee-Script ExpressJs Template
Tom Wilson
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CoffeeScript Cookbook
Martin Wawrusch
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Basic phase cancellation
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coffeescript, audio, voice, webaudio
Breaking up "for" clauses in Coffeescript
Martin Wawrusch
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coffeescript, code quality
Handle mouse click on links with SVG graphics
Stanislav Ryahov
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javascript, coffeescript, rails, svg
Simple Broccoli filter plugin in CoffeeScript
David Pelaez T.
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nodejs, build, process, coffeescript
Building React classNames with CoffeeScript
RJ Zaworski
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coffeescript, react, classname
Inject real service in Ember.js test
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ember.js, testing, coffeescript, ember
The CoffeeScript Console
Rudi MK
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coffeescript, chrome
"That's a nice web design! Now, about that File Field..."
Dave Gerton
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coffeescript, rails, html, jquery
Properly Scoping Loop Variables
Dylan Lukes
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javascript, coffeescript, closures, iteration
pre-commit hook for coffee-jshint
Valentin Zberea
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coffeescript, jshint, git
Syntax for arrays in Coffeescript
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useless, javascript, coffeescript
Dry Hybrid Validations
Sakchai Siripanyawuth
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coffeescript, rails
Address Picker based on typeaheas
Sébastien Gruhier
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javascript, jquery, coffeescript, googlemaps
Requiring CoffeeScript 1.7+ files in NodeJS
Dustin Johnson
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nodejs, coffeescript, require
[CoffeeScript]scanning of the array
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