Popular Coffee Script Programming Tips
Tom Wilson
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Plugin-free video calls in the browser with WebRTC
Mauro Pompilio
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webrtc, javascript, nodejs, coffeescript
Awesome CoffeeScript Inheritence
Sandeep Ravichandran
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Simply retinify images
Olexandr Shalakhin
3 responses
coffeescript, retina, javascript, jquery
Compile a .coffee script with no anonymous function
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coffeescript, function, bare, grunt
A Python programmer’s first impression of CoffeeScript
Stephan Sokolow
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coffeescript, python, reference
Generic Objects Pool with CoffeeScript
Cédric Néhémie
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mixins, javascript, coffeescript
Never lose scope again by binding
2 responses
coffeescript, self, syntax, scope
Meet the System App
Igor Ramadas
0 responses
coffeescript, nodejs, open source, tool
CoffeeScript Style Guide Detected
Pavel Argentov
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Still learning Coffeescript? you should try js2Coffee
Mario Alberto Chavez
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coffeescript, javascript
Turn off Meetup.js Group Settings
Patrick Camacho
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coffeescript, meetup, bookmarklet, javascript
Auto-loading express middleware, coffee-style
Matthew Hudson
0 responses
coffeescript, express, coffee, syntax
Better :visible selector
Szikszai Gusztáv
0 responses
coffeescript, selector, jquery
Bulk promises with EmberJS
Jens Grassel
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coffeescript, emberjs, javascript
Enabling mixins inclusion for all Javascript classes
Cédric Néhémie
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coffeescript, mixins, javacsript
Coffeescript network scanner
Austin Turnage
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coffeescript, nodejs, networking
Object factory in JavaScript
Cédric Néhémie
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hack, javascript, coffeescript
Wrap BlockStatements in try..catch
Szikszai Gusztáv
0 responses
coffeescript, try, catch
Expansive Argument Handling
Mark Roseboom
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coffeescript, arguments, javascript
Beauty of CoffeeScript
1 response
coffeescript, rashmi14yadav
mixpanel in dev mode coffeescript
0 responses
coffeescript, mixpanel
adding analytics to Chaplin.js application
0 responses
coffeescript, backbone, frontend, chaplinjs
pull all gists from a user as repos
Austin Turnage
0 responses
github, coffeescript, scraper
Math in strings
Christian Sturm
0 responses