Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· camachgk

Turn off Meetup.js Group Settings

I recently moved to San Francisco and joined a bunch of new Meetup groups to get involved in the local dev community. Unfortunately, my inbox was soon overrun with emails. There was no easy way to turn off the notifications for all groups at once, instead requiring loading a form for each one and then clicking a series of checkboxes and radio buttons, and submitting the form, which would reload the entire page.

I decided to make it a little faster with a simple bookmarklet to run on

  return unless /^(www\.)?meetup\.com$/.test
  turnOffNotifications = ($el) ->
      # Deselect all checkboxes
      .find('.commSettings form input[type="checkbox"]')
        .attr('checked', false)
      # How often do you want to receive Meetup reminders? (never)
      .find('fieldset label:last-child input[type="radio"][name="evRemind"]')
        .attr('checked', true)
      # Block settings submit
      .find('.commSettings > form')
        .one 'submit', (e) ->
            $form = $
              type: $form.attr 'method'
              url: $form.attr 'action'
              data: $form.serialize()
              success: -> console.log 'success'
              fail: -> console.log 'fail'
      # Submit the form

  isFormLoaded = ($el) -> $el.find('.formContent').children().length

  $('ul#activeMemberships > li')
    .each ->
      $el = $ @
      ready = $.Deferred()

      if isFormLoaded $el
        # Load the form
        interval = setInterval (-> ready.resolve() if isFormLoaded $el), 100
        timeout = setTimeout (-> 
          clearInterval interval
        ), 3000

      ready.done -> 
        clearInterval interval
        clearTimeout timeout
        turnOffNotifications $el -> console.log 'failed to load form'

To add it to your bookmarks, just past the following code as the "URL" attribute:
