Popular Cli Programming Tips
How not to rm yourself
Sindre Sorhus
0 responses
shell, cli, command, remove
A git extension to manage .gitignore files
0 responses
gitignore, cli, git
Making the Click command decorator behave well for Sphinx auto-docs
Scott Bradley
1 response
python, sphinx, cli, click
Colorize git
Daniel Puglisi
2 responses
git, cli
Stop piping grep to awk, just use nawk
Steffan Harries
1 response
grep, cli, awk, nawk
Simplify resolving Mercurial conflicts
Jude Robinson
0 responses
shell, cli, unix, mercurial
Undo 'git commit' without removing files
Joe Critchley
2 responses
git, cli, reset
Decrypt shortened URL, the minimal way
Malte Bublitz
1 response
shell, cli, linux, curl
Jerad Bitner
0 responses
nodejs, cli
Search your bash history
Maik Kulbe
2 responses
shell, cli, history, bash
Loop over ranges in BASH
Paolo Di Tommaso
0 responses
cli, bash
Search your *nix command history
Kevin Liu
0 responses
cli, linux, unix
Make a Phing task private (non-executable)
Raphael Stolt
0 responses
php, cli, ant, phing
Use unix filesystem commands like cp, mv, mkdir, etc. on multiple files and directories.
Mir Nazim
3 responses
cli, unix, commands, filesystem
Use Python to Create Apple Touch Icons
Patrick Coffey
1 response
python, cli, ios, apple-touch-icons
CLI based project structure generator
Josh Burns
3 responses
shell, css, html, twitter
Dotfiles Meet Security
Simeon Willbanks
2 responses
osx, cli, devops
download and enable modules in one command with drush
Josh Beauregard
0 responses
drush, drupal, cli
Simple HTTP server from Nautilus context menu
Dmitry Pashkevich
0 responses
nautilus, cli, unix, webserver
XDebug CLI with PhpStorm
Daniel Gomes
0 responses
php, danielcsgomes, debug, cli
Progressbar for Mysql import CLI
Jose Antonio Pio
0 responses
mysql, cli, mac
Middleman: a static site generator using all the shortcuts and tools in modern web development
Daniel Puglisi
0 responses
web, cli, markdown, development