Popular Ajax Programming Tips
Handling non-200 status codes in Backbone
Mark Wales
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backbone, error, jquery, ajax
Fixing Wordpress Comments
Callum Silcock
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jquery, css, fix, comments
How to stay on one page
David Wong
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php, python, django, codeigniter
Converting file:/// protocol to http://localhost during web development for testing purposes
Tal Koren
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file, xhr, localhost, ajax
PHP session locking
Tom Schuermans
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php, async, ajax, session locking
Using Ajax in Wordpress for external script
Oyewumi Abayomi
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php, ajax, error 404, wordpress
Failed to load resource?? Check your adblocker!!
2 responses
chrome, error, ajax, jquery
Lazy Load A Backbone.js Model
Brandon Mueller
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backbone.js, ajax, lazy loading
Encoding JSON in href using encodeURI, Rails parsing
Alexis Rabago Carvajal
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rails, json, href, jquery
Local AJAX calls in Chrome
Jacob Lichner
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chrome, ajax, javascript
Trigger 'Remember password' notice in AJAX forms
Gonçalo Morais
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email, form, password, login
User Interface Thinking in Rails: An Example (Part 1)
Joe Fiorini
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rails, ajax, javascript, flight
Testing AJAX with Poltergeist - Processing as JS but HTML rendered
Matt Vanderpol
1 response
rails, poltergeist, ajax, capybara
Get current URL parameters as hash (JS)
Allan Smith
0 responses
jquery, js, ajax, javascript
Retrieving POST data from Backbone.js in PHP
Marlon Landaverde
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php, http, rest, api
Cross domain Ajax requests for Apache
Peter Zhang
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cross-domain, ajax
Ajax with Clojurescript browser.net library.
Tim Gluz
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clojurescript, events, closure, ajax
Ajaxify a function in ASP.Net
1 response
jquery, vb.net, csharp, webforms
How to load only the body content from some static html page via Ajax.
Jose Luis Quintana
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page, static, ajax, javascript
Open AJAX error response in a new window
Macs Dickinson
0 responses
ajax, javascript
AJAX requests for forms with files (no iframe)
Mark Roseboom
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form, html5, ajax, xmlhttprequest
Allow open ajax links in new tab
Alexandr Subbotin
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pjax, ajax, javascript
Multi step form / wizard responses for Ajax (modals) and HTML requests.
Mathias Gawlista
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ruby, rails, ajax, javascript
will_paginate and Ajax
Jeroen Rosenberg
0 responses
ruby, rails, ajax, pagination
Ajax Content Loader
2 responses
ajax, html, javascript