Joined May 2011
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nginx ssl config with forward secrecy enabled
over 1 year
Re. @rtaprh's comment, with the current stable nginx versions it's no longer necessary to do the dhparam
trick, and in fact it's downright discouraged.
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nginx ssl config with forward secrecy enabled
over 1 year
For the benefit of future readers: using the explicit list of ciphers from the referenced SSL Labs article only got my site an overall "C" rating in SSL Labs' own tests, whereas the following much simpler alternative gets an "A":
ssl_ciphers "HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5 or HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5:!3DES";
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Resizing OSX windows like a boss
over 1 year
Another thing you really want is Slate:
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Clojurescript repl in emacs
over 1 year
If you're using leiningen
and lein-cljsbuild
, you could probably also just set your inferior-lisp-program
to "lein cljsbuild repl-rhino".
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Saving github auth info in Mac OS X keychain
over 1 year
Or, if you're already using keychain to save your browser password for github, you can reuse it here by substituting the following command:
security find-internet-password -wgs
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@silpol Well, yes, that can be an issue. But if the remote server isn't providing enough information for the client to logically connect the server's certificate to the client's root certificate, that's still a problem that can generally be reduced by configuring the server differently.