Popular Programming Tips
Don't sudo npm
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
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Forms, CSRF authenticity token and fragment caching in Rails
Bashir Eghbali
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Allow user to execute one command as root (no sudo)
Adam Stankiewicz
2 responses
shell, zsh, unix, bash
Go to function declaration in Sublime Text
Joel Day
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sublime text, keyboard shortcut
Java Tip #3. How to implement dynamic "switch".
Maks Atygaev
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java, dynamic switcher
Benchmarking BSON, JSON, and Native Serializing in PHP
Trevor N. Suarez
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php, bson, mongodb, json
Disable django-debug-toolbar when DEBUG = True
katy lavallee
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django, django-debug-toolbar
background-size and SVG
Robson Sobral
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css, webkit, svg
Pretty print JSON from command line with NodeJS
Dmitry Pashkevich
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cli, json, commandline, javascript
Four types of ruby closures block, Proc, lambda and method
nhm tanveer hossain khan (hasan)
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ruby, closures, block, procs
JavaScript, jQuery and DOM Ready in Drupal 7
Pierre Buyle
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jquery, drupal, javascript
Dead center Positioning css-only (horizontal & vertical)
Mark Vaughn
0 responses
css, html, css3
Always run gofmt in vim
Matt Williams
2 responses
vim, golang
Make PHP consume unlimited memory
Robin van der Vleuten
0 responses
php, config, development, memory_limit
My Best / Essential Git Aliases. What are your's?
Markus Perl
9 responses
git alias, vagrant, git, bash
Create a provider hosted app for SharePoint Online
Steven Iseki
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azure, sharepoint, sharepoint-online
Complete refresh of a web application in Eclipse for Java using Tomcat
Julius Santos
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java, eclipse, tomcat
Making a decent postgresql.conf, like a boss
Stanislaw Pusep
0 responses
config, tuning, wizard, postgresql
ZSH autoloading functions I
Rob Jentzema
1 response
shell, zsh, functions, autoload
convert photoshop letter spacing to css letter-spacing
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
css, photoshop, letter-spacing
How to translate zend framework 2 config arrays
Adrian Imfeld
5 responses
php, i18n, zend framework
Preloading scoped has_many :through associations
Alex Popov
0 responses
rails, activerecord, sql, eager loading
Install Oracle on CentOS 6.4 with Vagrant and Ansible
Ismail Dhorat
0 responses
oracle, vagrant, centos, ansible
${env.JAVA_HOME}: maven, intelliJ IDEA and Mavericks
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
0 responses
macosx, maven, intellij idea, launchctl