Last Updated: November 18, 2020
· magicianred

PRESTASHOP background/cron CSV products import (modified)

I have modified the code of by

file: ps_integrator.php


     modified by Simone "Magicianred" Paolucci */

require_once ('class.PSRequest.php'); //see class source code below

    /* START Configuration */
    $shopID = "myfirstshop"; // ID or unqiue name of the target shop
    $pathToWriteFile = __DIR__."/";
    $adminUrl = '';
    $adminLoginEmail = YOUR_PRESTASHOP_EMAIL;
    $adminLoginPass = YOUR_PRESTASHOP_PASS;
    /* END Configuration */

    // your set of product object or array
    $products = array();
    $products[] = array('id'=>1,'name'=>'Giostra a pedali','reference'=>'prodotto1');
    $products[] = array('id'=>2,'name'=>'Pedalò a vela','reference'=>'prodotto2');
    $products[] = array('id'=>3,'name'=>'Idrovolante subaqueo','reference'=>'prodotto3');
    $products[] = array('id'=>4,'name'=>'Hovercraft spaziale','reference'=>'prodotto4');
    $products[] = array('id'=>5,'name'=>'Trottola stazionaria','reference'=>'prodotto5');
    $products[] = array('id'=>15,'name'=>'Trottola stazionaria','reference'=>'prodotto15');
    $products[] = array('id'=>25,'name'=>'Trottola stazionaria','reference'=>'prodotto25');
    $products[] = array('id'=>35,'name'=>'Trottola stazionaria','reference'=>'prodotto35');

    // CSV first line for products
    //$csv = "id;Active (0/1);Name*;Categories (x,y,z,...);Price tax excluded;Tax rules id;Wholesale price;On sale (0/1);Discount amount;Discount percent;Discount from (yyy-mm-dd);Discount to (yyy-mm-dd);Reference #;Supplier reference #;Supplier;Manufacturer;EAN13;UPC;Ecotax;Weight;Quantity;Short description;Description;Tags (x,y,z,...);Meta-title;Meta-keywords;Meta-description;URL rewritten;Text when in-stock;Text if back-order allowed;Available for order (0 = No, 1 = Yes);Product creation date;Show price (0 = No, 1 = Yes);Image URLs (x,y,z,...);Delete existing images (0 = No, 1 = Yes);Feature (Name:Value:Position);Available online only (0 = No, 1 = Yes);Condition (new,used,refurbished);ID / Name of shop".PHP_EOL;
        $csv = "id;Active (0/1);Name*;reference;price;barcode".PHP_EOL;

    foreach ($products as $prod) {
            // fill in the csv string with your datas
           $csv .= $prod['id'].";0;".html_entity_decode($prod['name'])."CCCC;".$prod['reference'].';1;1234567890123434'.PHP_EOL;

    $csvname = $now."-PRODUCTS-".$shopID.".csv";
    $file = $pathToWriteFile.$csvname;

    file_put_contents($file, $csv);

    echo "Write file : ".$file.PHP_EOL;

    echo "Login on Prestashop Admin area...".PHP_EOL;
    $request = new PSRequest();

    $request->setPost(array("email" => $adminLoginEmail,"passwd" => $adminLoginPass, "submitLogin" => "Connexion")); // you must be a super admin

    echo "Get token...".PHP_EOL;


    list(,$response) = explode(PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL, $request->_webpage, 2);
    preg_match("/token=([a-z0-9]+)/", $response, $matches);
    $token = $matches[1];

    echo "Token : ".$token.PHP_EOL;

    // START Carico il file tramite AJAX
    $rand = rand(0,9999999999999999);
    $rand = str_pad($rand, 14, "0", STR_PAD_BOTH);

        $handle = fopen($file, "r");
        $fileSize = filesize($file);
        $fileContent = fread($handle, $fileSize);


    list(,$response) = explode(PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL, $request->_webpage, 2);
    preg_match('/"filename":"(.*?)"/', $response, $matches);
    $returnFilename = $matches[1];
        // END Carico il file tramite AJAX

    $request = new PSRequest();

    // Send POST datas just like the admin form would do it, those datas depends on what you want to do : check the import admin page.
        "controller"               => "AdminImport",
        "token"                    => $token,
        "skip"                     => 1,
        "csv"                      => $returnFilename,
        "convert"                  => '',
        "regenerate"               => '',
        "entity"                   => 1, //1 is for products import
        "iso_lang"                 => "it",
        "truncate"                 => 1,
        "forceIDs"                 => 1,
        "match_ref"                => 0,
        "separator"                => ";",
        "multiple_value_separator" => ",",
        "import"                   => 1,
        "type_value" => array( 0 => 'id', 1 => 'active', 2 => 'name', 3 => 'reference', 4 => 'price_tex', 5 => 'ean13')
        //"type_value" => array( 0 => 'id', 1 => 'active', 2 => 'name', 3 => 'category', 4 => 'price_tex', 5 => 'id_tax_rules_group', 6 => 'wholesale_price', 7 => 'on_sale', 8 => 'reduction_price', 9 => 'reduction_percent', 10 => 'reduction_from', 11 => 'reduction_to', 12 => 'reference', 13 => 'supplier_reference', 14 => 'supplier', 15 => 'manufacturer', 16 => 'ean13', 17 => 'upc', 18 => 'ecotax', 19 => 'weight', 20 => 'quantity', 21 => 'description_short', 22 => 'description', 23 => 'tags', 24 => 'meta_title', 25 => 'meta_keywords', 26 => 'meta_description', 27 => 'link_rewrite', 28 => 'available_now', 29 => 'available_later', 30 => 'available_for_order', 31 => 'date_add', 32 => 'show_price', 33 => 'image', 34 => 'delete_existing_images', 35 => 'features', 36 => 'online_only', 37 => 'condition', 38 => 'shop')

    echo "call AdminImport and POST datas...".PHP_EOL;
        $returnDanger = ''; $returnWarning = '';
    list(,$response) = explode(PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL, $request->_webpage, 2);

    // recupero gli warning
    $warning_pattern = '/\<div class="alert alert-warning">([\s\S]*)\<\/div>/';
    preg_match($warning_pattern, $response, $warning_matches);
    if(isset($warning_matches[1])) $returnWarning = $warning_matches[1];
    if(strpos($returnWarning,"<h4>")) { $returnWarning = substr($returnWarning,strpos($returnWarning,"<h4>")-4,strlen($returnWarning)); }
    if(strpos($returnWarning,"</div>")) { $returnWarning = substr($returnWarning,0,strpos($returnWarning,"</div>",2)); }

        // recupero gli errori
    $danger_pattern = '/\<div class="alert alert-danger">([\s\S]*)\<\/div>/';
    preg_match($danger_pattern, $response, $danger_matches);
    if(isset($danger_matches[1])) $returnDanger = $danger_matches[1];
    if(strpos($returnDanger,"<h4>")) { $returnDanger = substr($returnDanger,strpos($returnDanger,"<h4>")-4,strlen($returnDanger)); }
    if(strpos($returnDanger,"</div>")) { $returnDanger = substr($returnDanger,0,strpos($returnDanger,"</div>",2)); }
    $returnResponse =  $returnDanger . $returnWarning;
        //echo PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL."RESPONSE: ".PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL.  $returnResponse;

        echo $request->_webpage;
    echo "-- END --".PHP_EOL;

    $request = null;

        $content = ob_get_contents();
        $contentHtml = str_replace(PHP_EOL,'<br>',$content);
        echo $content;

        $f = fopen($now."-log-import.txt", "w");
        fwrite($f, $content);

file: class.PSRequest.php


      modified by Simone "Magicianred" Paolucci

class PSRequest {
        protected $_eol = "\r\n";
        protected $_useragent          = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:10.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0.2';
        protected $_cookieFileLocation = './cookie.txt';
        protected $_referer            = "";

        protected $_url;
        protected $_followlocation;
        protected $_timeout;
        protected $_maxRedirects;
        protected $_post = false;
        protected $_multipart = false;
        protected $_file = false;
        protected $_postFields;
        protected $_postFile;

        protected $_session;
        protected $_includeHeader;
        protected $_noBody;
        protected $_status;
        protected $_binaryTransfer;
        protected $_file_to_upload = null;
        protected $_file_to_upload_size = 0;
        protected $_file_name = '';
        protected $_file_transfer_codebase = false;
        protected $_file_content_type = '';
        protected $_boundary = 'boundaryAAAbbb';

        public $_webpage;
        public $authentication = 0;
        public $auth_name      = '';
        public $auth_pass      = '';

        protected $ch; // curl handler

        public function __construct($url = '', $followlocation = true, $timeOut = 30, $maxRedirecs = 4, $binaryTransfer = false, $includeHeader = true, $noBody = false)
            $this->_url                = $url;
            $this->_followlocation     = $followlocation;
            $this->_timeout            = $timeOut;
            $this->_maxRedirects       = $maxRedirecs;
            $this->_noBody             = $noBody;
            $this->_includeHeader      = $includeHeader;
            $this->_binaryTransfer     = $binaryTransfer;

            $this->_cookieFileLocation = dirname(__FILE__).'/cookie.txt';

            $this->ch = curl_init();

        public function __destruct() {

        public function useAuth($use){
            $this->authentication = 0;
            if($use == true) $this->authentication = 1;

        public function setEndOfLine($chars) {
                        $this->_eol = $chars;

        public function setName($name){
            $this->auth_name = $name;

        public function setPass($pass){
            $this->auth_pass = $pass;

        public function setBoundary($boundary) {
                    $this->_boundary = $boundary;

        public function setReferer($referer){
            $this->_referer = $referer;

        public function setCookiFileLocation($path)
            $this->_cookieFileLocation = $path;

        public function setFileToUpload($filePath, $filename, $contentType='plain/text')
            $this->_file = true;

            $this->_file_name = $filename;
            $this->_file_content_type = $contentType;
            //$this->_file_to_upload = fopen($filePath,'r');
            $handle = fopen($filePath, "r");
            $this->_file_to_upload_size = filesize($filePath);
                        $this->_file_to_upload = fread($handle, $this->_file_to_upload_size);

        public function setPostMultipart($postFields)
            $this->_post = true;
            $this->_multipart = true;

            if (is_array($postFields)) {
                $fields_string = $this->multipart_build_query($postFields);
            else {
                $fields_string = $postFields;
            $this->_postFields = $fields_string;

        public function setPost($postFields)
            $this->_post = true;

            if (is_array($postFields)) {
                $fields_string = http_build_query($postFields);
            else {
                $fields_string = $postFields;
            $this->_postFields = $fields_string;

        public function setUserAgent($userAgent)
            $this->_useragent = $userAgent;

        public function call($url = null, $header = null)
                    if(is_null($header)) {
                        if($this->_multipart == true) {
                            $header = array("Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=".$this->_boundary);
                        } else {
                            $header = array('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded');

            if ($url) {
                $this->_url = $url;

            if (!$url) {
                throw new Exception('You should set an URL to call.');

            curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header);
            curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
            curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, true );

            if ($this->authentication == 1) {
                curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->auth_name.':'.$this->auth_pass);

                        if ($this->_multipart) {
                if($this->_file) {
                                    $this->_postFields .= $this->add_multipart_build_file('file',$this->_file_name,$this->_file_content_type);
                                    $this->_postFields .= "--".$this->_eol;
                                    curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, $this->_file_to_upload_size);
                                    curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, 1);
            } else if ($this->_post) {

            if ($this->_includeHeader) {

            if ($this->_noBody) {

         /*   if ($this->_file_to_upload_size > 0 && !is_null($this->_file_to_upload)) {
                curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, 'uploadFileCall');
            } */


            $this->_webpage = curl_exec($this->ch);
                        /*if (curl_errno($this->ch)) {
                            print "<hr><hr>Error: ". curl_error($this->ch) ."<hr><hr>";
            $this->_status = curl_getinfo($this->ch,CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

            return $this->_webpage;

        public function getHttpStatus()
            return $this->_status;

        public function __tostring(){
            return $this->_webpage;

                /*function uploadFileCall($ch, $data){
                     return fread($this->_file_to_upload, $this->_file_to_upload_size);

                function multipart_build_query($fields){
                    $retval = '';
                    foreach($fields as $key => $value){
                            $retval .= "--".$this->_boundary.$this->_eol."Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"".$key."\"".$this->_eol.$this->_eol.$value.$this->_eol;
                    //$retval .= "--". $this->_boundary ."--".$this->_eol;
                    $retval .= "--". $this->_boundary .$this->_eol;
                    return $retval;

                function add_multipart_build_file($key,$filename='file.csv',$contentType ="application/csv") {
                    $retval = '';
                    $retval .= "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"$key\"; filename=\"$filename\"".$this->_eol;
                    $retval .= "Content-Type: $contentType ".$this->_eol.$this->_eol;
                    if($this->_file_transfer_codebase == true) {
                        $retval .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64'.$this->_eol.$this->_eol;
                        $retval .= chunk_split(base64_encode($this->_file_to_upload));
                    } else {
                        $retval .= $this->_file_to_upload;
                    $retval .= "--". $this->_boundary; // ."--".$this->_eol;
                    return $retval;


Enjoy your code.

32 Responses
Add your response

Hi, I'm trying to setup your solution, but I have some issues, the $request->_webpage (line ~64) does not return any value so no token have been retrieved.

Do you have any idea what is missing?


over 1 year ago ·

You have to change this line with your url prestashop installation?
$adminUrl = '';

You have to try to charge your url (your $adminUrl) in browser if it's ok?

Check in your apache errors log file if there are any other errors.

over 1 year ago ·

hi steefano974, in line 64. you should change to
preg_match("/AdminImport&amp;token=([a-z0-9]+)/", $response, $matches);
and comment line $request->call($adminUrl."index.php?controller=AdminImport");
This solution is get token from Dashboard page for this controller.
Sorry my english.
Thank so much this artical, Simone Paolucci.

over 1 year ago ·

Thank you toanloau :)

over 1 year ago ·

Hi !

I have the exact same problem as steefano974 : my _webpage attribute is always void. My login works well, though, for I get a token from AdminLogin. I tried to use AdminLogin token to build my request, but nothing happens when calling AdminImport controller...

This is boring because I urgently need to make attributes import work for my customer. I tried toanloau's trick but it fails miserably. I can't catch any error while importing.

Any idea ? I'm in desperate need of a solution :(

over 1 year ago ·

I don't know. I believe there are some server specific problem.

Try to add curl verbose option in 'call' function of class.PSRequest.php file:

Also add in each file these instrunction to notify some errors:
set('display_errors', 'On');

Detect if 'allowurlfopen' is enabled:
if( iniget('allowurl_fopen') ) {
echo 'Is enabled';

Give me some feedback

over 1 year ago ·

I'm trying to use this script too.
The file is correctly uploaded but nothing happen after...
When i do it manually with the uploaded file, got products imported...
I'm on PrestaShop™, any suggestion ? i don't see any error that can explain that...

over 1 year ago ·

Active error display:
iniset('displayerrors', 1);

the row:
echo "Token : ".$token.PHP_EOL;
print your token?

then try to use advises in my previous post and give me your feedback

over 1 year ago ·

Yes, i got the token (with some modification), when i do a echo of $request->webpage
I'm logged in AdminImport.
There is a prestashop notification error about an empty product name, but there is not.
And when i try it manually, I don't have this error notification.
I verified like 5 times the type
value and columns of the csv, can't see a problem...
I got no error.

So i d'ont understand why

$matchColumn = array(
0 => 'reference',
1 => 'ean13',
2 => 'active',
3 => 'name',
4 => 'category',
5 => 'pricetex',
1 => 'manufacturer',
2 => 'quantity',
3 => 'description
4 => 'description',
5 => 'metatitle',
4 => 'meta
5 => 'image',
6 => 'id',
7 => 'idtaxrules_group'

"controller" => "AdminImport",
"token" => $token,
"skip" => 0,
"csv" => $returnFilename,
"convert" => '',
"regenerate" => '',
"entity" => $importType, //1 is for products import
"isolang" => "fr",
"truncate" => 0,
"forceIDs" => 0,
ref" => 1,
"separator" => ";",
"multiplevalueseparator" => ",",
"import" => 1,
"type_value" => $matchColumn

over 1 year ago ·

You have check if the header of csv (the $csv = "id;Active (0/1);Name*;reference;price;barcode".PHP_EOL; variable), the lines of the csv and your $matchColumn have to match.
If the csv headers not match the rows prestashop ignore its.

over 1 year ago ·

Well it match, i check it few times. I opened the uploaded file with Excel to have better view, every columns is here.

$csv = "reference;ean13;actif;nom;categories;prix;marque;Quantité;Description courte;Description;Balise de titre;Méta description;URLs des images;id;id tax rule" . PHP_EOL;

Example of generated line :


I got the same error when i echo the webpage :

No Name (ID: ESOL) ne peut pas être enregistré
Property Product->name is empty

But the manufacturer existe, in the right shop id...

over 1 year ago ·

Ok i'm just stupid...
If you check my $matchColumn the key of my array elements are wrong...
My bad...

over 1 year ago ·

I have detected a problem with version 1.5 of Prestashop. This version does not have the file upload Ajax, so you have to copy the csv files in the folder admin/import and pass the file name to the form of importCsv. A brief update of the script.

over 1 year ago ·

magicianred ... Grandissimo! ora provo il tuo script!

over 1 year ago ·

Hi, with prestashop I get Invalid token, but the script is compatible with this ver?

over 1 year ago ·

Hello magicianred! Please I suggest a short tutorial to run the script in prestashop. directory where to put and call funcioin the script. thank you very much

over 1 year ago ·

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in D:\www\prestashop\at\ps_integrator.php on line 60

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in D:\www\prestashop\at\psintegrator.php on line 62
Token :
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in D:\www\prestashop\at\ps
integrator.php on line 79

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in D:\www\prestashop\at\psintegrator.php on line 81
call AdminImport and POST datas...
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in D:\www\prestashop\at\ps
integrator.php on line 112
-- END --

over 1 year ago ·

Prestashop 1.6 :C
Denwer : "Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class PSRequest in K:\home*\www\cron\class.PSRequest.php on line 10"
Web: empty screen
If I remove the line 10 (require_once ('class.PSRequest.php');), while imports of passes , but the product does not appear in the list .
Sorry for being a little description . I am Russian.
Thnx for help.

over 1 year ago ·

Hello. My mistake was in the line with the position of the data in the array. Thank you for the code .
And please tell me . Maybe you can somehow connect to send data from csv? Thank you.

over 1 year ago ·

I can't seem to get it working. It imports nothing and when the end view opens it mentions that the csv is not correct. Strange, because when I try to add manually, the csv is imported

over 1 year ago ·

Retested deeply and I have an import error:

{"file":{"name":"product2015-12-01220016.csv","type":"","tmp_name":"","error":"The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.","size":0}}

How to fix this? I already increased the settings in php.ini

over 1 year ago ·

@bogdandin: Usually if the Token is empty it's a login problem. Check your credential.

over 1 year ago ·

"Write file : /home/f1shopby/public_html/*******.csv Login on Prestashop Admin area... Get token... Token : call AdminImport and POST datas... HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx/1.8.0 Date: Mon, 04 Jan 2016 13:49:41 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked Connection: keep-alive X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.29 Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent"
Help please, Presta Time on 16:50 04.01.2016

over 1 year ago ·

"str 62 | list(,$response) = explode(PHPEOL.PHPEOL, $request->webpage, 2);"
Perhaps sometime accidentally put a comma and preserved.
log helped me)

over 1 year ago ·

great module, works fine, but how to import from multipart csv files. First file should have truncate option to "yes" and all others to "no"

over 1 year ago ·

Hi all
but how can I invoke the script in the BO of PrestaShop.

over 1 year ago ·

for those who has problem getting the token, this worked for me:

$request = new PSRequest();
$request->setPost(array("email" => $adminLoginEmail,"passwd" => $adminLoginPass, "submitLogin" => "Connexion")); // you must be a super admin
pregmatch("/token=([a-z0-9]+)/", $request->webpage, $matches);
$token = $matches[1];

over 1 year ago ·

Thank you very much for this code. It worked for me. I'm using prestashop
I have a question. Is it possible to split the csv file during the process of uploading it?
I saw in the "class.PSRequest.php" file there is an option called:
protected $_multipart = false;
I wonder if just changing this value to "true" would do the trick.
Thanks in advance for your answer.

over 1 year ago ·

How can I upload more than one csv file?
My ISP only allows me to program 1 cron job for the command /usr/bin/php...
I am trying to upload (and be updating a database of about 20,000 products)
any help will be really appreciated...

over 1 year ago ·

Hi magicianred I'm trying the script with prestashop and the credential are correct.
I've a problem with the token like bogdandin.

Phperror is:
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs//import_cron.php on line 63
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/
/importcron.php on line 70
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/***/import
cron.php on line 89
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs//import_cron.php on line 92
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/
/import_cron.php on line 181

Any ideas??

over 1 year ago ·

I've been asked to look into this by a friend.
Is anyone else interested in using this mechanism (scripted) to update product catalogue in the latest version (

over 1 year ago ·