Popular Programming Tips
Powershell Recursive Search
David Wimbley
0 responses
powershell, command line
Bash xargs as a for loop
Julio A. Mistral
0 responses
shell scripting, bash
How to prevent native scrolling on mobile browsers
0 responses
mobile, jquery, javascript
Flask flash messages as Bootstrap alert
Victor Kristof
0 responses
flask, bootstrap
What is the difference: reST, docutils, sphinx, readthedocs
Tony Narlock
0 responses
python, documentation, sphinx, markdown
Get the pixel data of an image in HTML
Li Zihua
0 responses
javascript, canvas, pixel
Storing password in keychain the smart way
Philippe Converset
3 responses
password, ios, keychain, username
golang: having fun with os.Stdin and shell pipes
Tarcísio Gruppi
3 responses
shell, golang, stdin, go
How to draw heart shaped ImageView in Android using PorterDuffXfermode and SVG
Mostafa Gazar
4 responses
library, imageview, java, circle
Squash your commits with git rebase
Rizwan Iqbal
0 responses
rebase, git, commits
Custom transitions on iOS 7 & a little bit about UX
Andrej Mihajlov
4 responses
transitions, ios, objective-c
rbenv issues when switching to zsh
Rod Wilhelmy
7 responses
zsh, rbenv
Install npm packages with --save or --save-dev
0 responses
npm, packages, javascript, nodejs
Better way of passing multiple parameters to a function in javascript
Nima Shariatian
3 responses
javascript, jquery
Set up multiple websites on a Digital Ocean droplet running nginx and node.js
Steven Iseki
2 responses
node, nginx, digitalocean
Hypermedia APIs
Steve Klabnik
1 response
rest, oscon, hypermedia
Require an API key for a route in Flask using only a decorator
Spencer Williams
2 responses
python, rest, flask
Use Sublime Text 2 as Git mergetool
Adam Stankiewicz
11 responses
sublime, git
HTML webcam with AngularJS
Jonas Hartmann
2 responses
canvas, video, webcam, getusermedia
Hide browser scroll-bars
David Condrey
0 responses
dom, standards, scroll, scrollbar
Scale Chrome Browser Window to Any Width
Marshall Klickman
5 responses
responsive, chrome, browser, workflow
Linux : Remote desktop multiple monitor support
0 responses
xfreerdp, remotedesktop, multiplemonitors, linux
Rendering any Android View directly to an OpenGL Texture
Anuraag Sridhar
5 responses
android, opengl
Replace Glyphicons (sprites.less) with Font Awesome
Allyson Beckers
2 responses
bootstrap, icon font, sprite, font awesome