Popular Programming Tips
Clean Rails Install on OS X Mountain Lion: Homebrew + RVM + Ruby 1.9.3 + Git + MySQL
Jonathan Nelson
10 responses
ruby, mysql, rvm, homebrew
Eliminating Callback Hell in Node.js with Synchronize
Dan Armstrong
4 responses
nodejs, synchronize, callbacks
Using mod_evasive to rate-limit Apache
0 responses
config, apache, rate-limiting, mod_evasive
Mass renaming files with zmv (zsh)
Jens Grassel
0 responses
zsh, files, renaming, zmv
Effortless Two-Factor Authentication in Rails
Roberto Miranda
3 responses
ruby, rubygems, tag, opensource
HTML5 video: Content-Type is important
Chris Schmich
0 responses
video, content-type, html5
My Workspace
Alex MacCaw
5 responses
Persist ulimit settings in Mac OS X
Anders Brownworth
5 responses
mac os x, launchd, launchctl, ulimit
AngularJS: auto focus into input field when ng-show event is triggered
Bela Ezsias
2 responses
javascript, angularjs
How to concatenate strings in twig
0 responses
php, symfony, twig
PHP :: Database Connection with file .ini
Everton Silva
4 responses
php, config, database
Print the current page's html source in Capybara
Daniel Schmidt
1 response
rails, cucumber, capybara
Add caret to bootstrap accordion
2 responses
bootstrap, javascript, coffeescript
reverse array in python
Yuwei Ba
0 responses
python, array, reverse
Doctrine: get single row or null
Andréia Bohner
0 responses
Formatting byte size to human readable format in Java
Bruno Candido Volpato da Cunha
0 responses
java, byte, human readable
Sorting Doctrine ArrayCollection
Matteo Caberlotto
1 response
sorting, doctrine, arraycollection
Remove all except first item on a html select list (jQuery)
Ion D. Filho
0 responses
jquery, js, html, javascript
Simple multilanguage with jQuery
Davide Gessa
0 responses
jquery, language, internationalization, javascript
Increasing PHP CLI memory limit
Benjamin Paap
0 responses
php, cli, memory, limit
Nested forms with ActiveModel::Model objects
Sam Slotsky
13 responses
rails, activemodel, has_many, nested forms