Popular Programming Tips
Stub any instance with minitest
Vasiliy Ermolovich
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ruby, minitest
Git Checkout Orphan
Antoine Butler
0 responses
alias, git
Fix undefined method `per' error on Will_Paginate and ActiveAdmin
David Chua
5 responses
ruby, rails, active_admin, will_paginate
Follow redirects with jQuery PJAX
Michiel Sikkes
2 responses
rails, pjax
How to setup rails app on a mediatemple (dv)
Tom Caflisch
4 responses
ruby, rails, mediatemple, linux
series steps in mocha beforeEach
Jonathan Bowers
2 responses
tdd, mocha, javascript
Grouping by multiple fields in JavaScript or CoffeeScript using Underscore
Edward J. Stembler
0 responses
underscore.js, coffeescript, javascript, groupby
Persistent key-value package for Meteor
Benjamin Harris
0 responses
session, meteor, key, value
Using retry to rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
Gabriel Cebrian
0 responses
ruby, rails, sql, rescue
X-SendFile in Apache2
Arnold Daniels
0 responses
apache, webserver
Breaking nested loop, like each_slice with style
Enrico Carlesso
0 responses
ruby, break, loops, catch
PHP Symlink and __FILE__ constant
1 response
php, tips
CSS3 performance on mobile devices
Thibault Milan
2 responses
css3, css3-transform, performances, css3-transition
BLock Types used in Magento
Rodrigo Garcia
1 response
Fake it till you make it
Lars Behnke
0 responses
unittest, junit, java, mockito
Live linting of your code in sublime
Avner Cohen
1 response
ruby, sublime-text, javascript, nodejs
Simple JSON Syntax Highlighting in Vim
Yaser Sulaiman
0 responses
vim, json
Use tmux for a poor man's daemon
0 responses
daemon, hack, linux, tmux
Fabric and Celery can be friends!
Alex Hart
3 responses
python, django, ssh, fabric
Scala @deprecated annotation
0 responses
scala, tags
ctags in Rails project
Jason King
0 responses
shell, rails, cli, ctags
Using Rbenv Ruby From Within Vim (zsh)
6 responses
zsh, vim, rbenv